And they were roommates (2)

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Warning, minor smut, read at your own risk.

Advised to have tissues on hand. Enjoy :)

"Ah, Kei-kun! great I got the correct address!"

"Why... are you here?"

"You forgot your thumb drive when you left just now! I asked a few people about where you live and they helped me out!"

Yachi clutched onto her chest, biting nervously. Kei-kun? was that girl very close to Tsukishima? Yachi couldn't help but feel a pang in her heart. Who was she, is she really Tsukishima's girlfriend? How long have they known each other and- why does it hurt.

"Thanks, it's late, you should go home now."

"That's always like you, you mean Kei-kun!" Yachi heard their bickering, she finally had enough and closed her door. She buried herself on her bed, under her thick pile of blankets. She will not cry, no, what there is to cry about? Tsukishima Kei was never hers to begin with, not in high school, not now.

She sniffled and tried to sleep, trying to ignore the muffled voices from outside. When she heard the door close and then a knock on her's, she flinched.

"Hitoka? Sorry that I took too long, I made some dinner-"

"I'm not hungry." She cut him off. A moment of silence and what Yachi thought was him leaving her alone until her door burst open and her blankets were being pulled.

"Wha- Kei! what are-"

"C'mon eat. I didn't embarrass myself at the store for nothing." He said, dragging her out of the dark room. Yachi whined and tried to get out of his grasp, but he was clearly stronger than her. She ended up sitting at their small table for two, there she smelled the nice and warm curry rice he made with eggrolls on the side, she pouted.

"If this is that pre-packaged curry powder you snuck while I wasn't at home, I won't eat it." Yachi nagged, Tsukishima just rolled his eyes as he poured her a cup of water.

"I didn't. I made this from scratch, that's why it took me so long." Tsukishima said, sitting down on his own seat and started eating. Yachi, eying him, bit down on her lips.

"I'm sure someone else took you long," Yachi muttered to herself, finally taking a bite of the food he made.


"Nothing," Yachi said bitterly, leaving Tsukishima confused at the woman's cold shoulder towards him. He shrugged it off with her just having mood swings.


"I'm going now, be sure to eat," Tsukishima called out, tying his shoelaces at the front door. it had been 3 weeks since he had been continuously gone out. Yachi, knowing this, got more and more anxious. She glanced at the male who unlocked the door and grabbed his bag.

"Right, see you then." She said softly, she didn't want to pry into his own life, rather she didn't want to know the truth. No matter how much her mind would overthink about that woman 3 weeks ago, she didn't dare ask, and it was eating her alive.

"We're just roommates. just roommates hitoka!" She slapped her cheeks and tried to focus on her work. But whenever she did, her mind would go back to Tsukishima. She furrowed her eyebrows and muttered curses at herself.

Just roommates. Just Friends. Just-

Why? why can't Yachi get something once for herself? Why can't she just court him? or better yet, steal him away before any girl could call him mine. Why doesn't she have that confidence? It irritates her how scared she is to lose him. what's more, the fear of losing him is worse than homelessness.

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