And they were roommates (1)

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Yachi Hitoka had started living by herself by the age of 18, at first, she moved in with her high school friend. They moved into a nice small apartment quite far from their college but it was what they could afford. It was going smoothly for a year and a half. But due to some circumstances, her high school friend had to move back with her parents. 

So it left Yachi alone, barely able to afford her apartment without having to cut almost half her food money. Least to say, it wasn't going so well, stack that up with an hour and half transportation from the apartment to her college. Yachi wouldn't want to have to go back to her mom's house, let alone ask for money! she wasn't going to steep so low. 

So there she sat at a cafe after her lectures in college, not having a place to stay by the end of this week, trying to come up with a way to not be homeless. She groaned and slammed her head straight face onto the table.

"Sounds like you have a lot on your plate." Yachi jolted back up, she knew that voice all too well.

"Kei! You finished your lectures?" Yachi asked, even if it hasn't been that long since they saw each other. Tsukishima had grown quite a lot, his hair was fluffy as ever, that blonde head of hair he grew longer over the years, he could tie it up in a low ponytail if he tried hard enough. He ditched those nerdy black glasses and got a more rounded design on the bottom part. His eyes were still golden as ever, although it seemed to be tired, even stressed but he still wore a small smile. Yachi smiled in relief, finding a little bit of a stable ground bumping into him.

"Yep, you look incredibly tired." He pointed out, he glanced at the many empty iced americanos on her table. Yachi laughed guiltily.

"Just some problems weighing me down." Yachi gave a quick excuse. His cold eyes turned into more curious ones. He tilted his head.

"About?" He asked, Yachi bit her lip, unsure if she should dump out her problems to him. He had his own problems too. But that unsureness was cut off by Tsukishima. "I have some time. tell me your problem and I'll tell you mine." Yachi sighed and gave him a thankful smile.

"Thank you, Kei. It's just I might go homeless in a week or so. My roommate had to move out for family problems and I barely have enough to pay for the whole apartment without being broke." Yachi gave a quick summary. her shoulders slumped and she frowned. "And I don't want to get help from my mom. it'll show her that I can't even take care of myself." 

"So... you are just gonna live out on the streets until you find a way?" Tsukishima looked back at her, his cold stare hitting her dead on. Yachi nodded, dreading everything. 

"Well, I guess that's the major problem I have now. how about you? You look tired and stressed, anything happened?" Yachi changed the subject, making Tsukishima frown just a bit. He cleared his throat.

"Well, I was planning to move out too. My brother said he can find a place with me and crash in to pay half. Well... that was the plan." Tsukishima explained, a visible pout was on his lips and Yachi couldn't help but feel or his situation. "Long story short, somethings came up and he'll be moving all the way to the other side of the island. But we already have the apartment and everything, I can't just cancel the contract." Tsukishima sighed, resting his chin on his hand. 

"So you got a plan? how about Yamaguchi moving in with you?" Yachi asked, Tsukishima shook his head.

"He's already settled down with someone he met in college. Kageyama- Nah, I would rather not get my apartment broken into with his fangirls. Hinata- he's overseas. and most of my friends in college already have their own." They both pouted, the air around them gloomy. 

"What should we do..." Yachi said, feeling the lowest of the lows. They just sat there in silence for a few minutes, feeling like there was no hope. But then Tsukishima jolted up, looking like he found a solution.

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