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Maybe Yachi was being childish, maybe it was right for her to cry. No matter the reason, her tears still dropped down her reddened cheeks, her tired eyes getting puffy. She tightly wrapped her coat against her body. She frowned, feeling just how cold her cheeks were, no matter how hard she cried.

"Your face will become frozen if you don't stop crying." She flinches, turning to her side to see the tall blonde beside her. She turned away quickly, wiping away the tears. Silence.

"Good evening too, Yachi-san." He said softly. Yachi glanced at him and then to the ground, she didn't want him to see her puffed eyes and dry tears that might as well be ice. She heard him sigh.

"He isn't worth crying over." Yachi widened her eyes, in the 6 years they've been friends, Tsukishima had read her like an open book. Most times it's handy, but she hates it when she doesn't want to show her feelings, but he somehow manages to understand how she felt. She doesn't want him to worry over some dumb, bundled up emotions for a guy she thought might just be okay.

"Hey," He grabbed her elbow, making her look at him, his golden eyes matched her yellow ones. He looked at her in seriousness. "Stop crying over a guy who doesn't deserve a drop." And with that, he glided his thumb over her cold cheeks, wiping away the tears. his hand was warm and gentle. Although it was rough, she could tell just how much those hands played such a rigorous sport like volleyball. She couldn't help but nuzzle her head towards them.

They stayed like that, the silence filling up their conversations. It was something she was grateful for, just him expressing himself with his actions, how calming it is when his thumb would gentle wipe away the never-ending tears, and just how much heat they were sharing with her cold, cold face. he didn't let go until she shed her last tear, even when he did try moving away, her tiny hands ran over him, pushing them back in their place, right on her cheek.

he sighed worriedly, his thumb moving almost at her cute and perfect lips. His hand trembled.

"We should get you home." His voice was strained, almost as if he was trying to control himself, he tried again, but Yachi just stopped him from moving anywhere. "Yachi-san..." This time, his thumb ran down to her bottom lip. Yachi smile so painfully that it might have just broken Tsukishima.

"We should go." He said, more certain this time. No matter how Yachi wanted to feel his hand again, or how her cheeks missed the warmth, Tsukishima pulled away. He couldn't, he can't. She was feeling too many emotions at the same time to not know what she truly wants. She was feeling lost, and he wasn't going to be the replacement. So instead of running his thumb over her lips again, he ran his hand on her shoulder and gave her a pat and an encouraging smile.

"Tsukishima-kun," Her voice was so soft and fragile. She could break at any moment if she was even barely holding on. "Thank you." Tsukishima couldn't help but smile brighter for her. He nodded and dragged her along.

"Now, forget that guy, and let's get you home... Do you remember what just happened? I know I don't, what are we even talking about? I think it was about dinner-" Yachi burst out in giggles, Tsukishima calmed down, even more, he was happy that the girl felt better. He walked with her as she talked about the next day's of her college lectures, and then even planned with her a nice day to hang out, just the two of them to relax. and by the end she was at her doorstep, the whole break up was already forgotten.

"Call me if you need anything, actually, just call me if you want." Tsukishima bid her farewell with a bit of hesitation, but when she saw her smile and goodbye, he relaxed.

But he did get a call from her at 3 am in the morning. a quiet sob and sniffles came through the other line and he knew that she needed him to be a supporting friend. So he listened to whatever she needed, in her broken state.

"Am I that horrible of a girlfriend? He said I'm plain. Plain!?" She cried out, choking out another sob. He stayed quiet for a moment before shaking his head.

"He doesn't know what he just missed out."

"Right!? I'm a good girlfriend! Good! I even got him that paint set he really wanted. It was my paint set! I bought it for myself! But I gave that jerk my precious paint set." He chuckled and agreed. Her childish and expressive self started coming out and he knew she was moving on. He smiled brighter, hearing all her cries and angry confessions and feeling her being better.

"And even that horrible teddy bear that he actually bought in a second hand store- And not to mention why he 'works.' so much, even at night!?" Yachi finally stopped, panting heavily. The line was silent for a while, just their breathing could be heard.

"Am I really that bad?" She asked, her tone a bit broken and that hint of self-consciousness made Tsukishima quickly react.

"No. You aren't. In fact, you are better than most of them. So don't stoop to their level because you deserve better." A sigh escaped her lips and Tsukishima frowned at that.

"Thank you, again. For everything. I think... I think I'm feeling better after you've talked to me. And I think..." She started, Tsukishima's frown loosened as he heard her voice soften and whisper. "I think you are better than him anyway. So, I'm moving on very soon." And with that, Tsukishima smiled, leaning back on his bed. His tired state was nothing compared to what he felt when she said that.

"Me too, Yachi-san. So let's look forward from now on."

And then everything was going to be okay, as their conversation moved from her ex to them, and they slowly fell asleep as they talked over the phone.

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