Walking home

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Translation(right to left)

Tsukishima: satisfied?

Yachi: Yep, Satisfied!

Tsukishima: Aro...(I'm not sure about this one, it's either ara? Or a way to say okay)


During their second year, Tsukishima and Yachi had started walking together by habit. Since they live closest to each other, even taking the same bus, they were bound to walk together. 

Whether I'd be late at night or early in the afternoon, Tsukishima and Yachi would wait for each other before starting to heading home. Most times Yamaguchi would be there but lately, he has been busy with his class project, so It was just Tsukishima and Yachi.

"So then Kiri-chan, the new girl, said that she liked Kageyama-kun! could you believe that? It's so cute! She is taller than him but I think they'd be a cute couple!" Yachi rambled on to Tsukishima, it was a normal conversation for them. Yachi always told him things that happened around the school, he acts like he didn't seem to pay attention, but he has kept track of Yachi's friends' love life to his dismay. He just likes listening to the girl talking.

"Oh! But then Rya-chan said that SHE liked Kageyama-kun first! but they're the best of friends, so I don't know what will happen to them. I tried talking to them but they seem to be ignoring each other." Yachi turned to look at him, her eyes shimmering. Tsukishima nodded. She talked more about her friend cliques, he was quite proud of her for having many friends, but he wondered how many of them were actually her true friends. He didn't care for them, but if they do bully her or hurt her, then he'll definitely get involved.

"What about your best friend? Does she still like Yamaguchi?" Tsukishima asked, Yachi grinned and nodded excitedly.

"They're in the same class and they stayed back today! I hope they get closer!" They turned to a corner and finally the bus stop could be seen. 

"So anyways, About the Kageyama problem. Many of my other friends in Kageyama's class seems to all mutually agree to like him, So they are more chill than that... But then again maybe it's because no one can talk to him, the only person Kageyama talks to is Hinata." Yachi chuckled, Tsukishima nodded. He looked around and remembered a cafe shop that sells excellent Strawberry cakes was near here.

"Ne, Yachi-san. Wanna go to that cafe? It has strawberry shortcake," Tsukishima gripped the shorter head to stop her from walking. She told him countless times not to do that because it makes her feel short, but being the tease Tsukishima is, he did it more often. Yachi pouted but nodded. Tsukishima grinned and ruffled her hair before walking to the staircase up the hill. 

"It's no fair! you, Kiri-chan, And basically everyone is taller than me. why can't you guys give me half a centimeter? I would at least get up to 160?" Yachi nagged, Tsukishima snorted and looked down on her. 

"It's okay Yachi-san, you still have 2 or 3 more years to grow. You should start jumping more so that you'll stretch your legs." He teased, Yachi smacked his shoulder and frowned.

"I'll grow tall! you'll see it! Kiri-chan is shorter than you but she's still considered to be tall. heck, she's even taller than Kageyama and I'm barely at Hinata's level." Tsukishima shrugged, why is Yachi talking so much about this Kiri girl? He doesn't really remember any of the girl's faces except for Yachi's best friend, anyone else is a blur. They finally got up to the cafe, Tsukishima couldn't help but smile as they got nearer. 

"Oh! it's Kiri-chan..." Yachi said, more shocked than surprised. She suddenly pulled Tsukishima back, which confused the taller male. 

"Why are we going back to the staircase, the cafe is there, Yachi-san," Tsukishima said, easily pulling the girl back. Yachi frowned and bit her lip.

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