Please put me down!

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"The air must be fresher up there, isn't it?" Yachi asked, Tsukishima looked at her a bit confused at first before he snorted a chuckle. 

"Yes, the wind is nicer. I can never imagine being short as you. Must be stuffy with everyone towering over you." Tsukishima teased. Yachi rolled her eyes. 

"At least I don't have to smack my forehead on shelves and even doors, no wonder you have a thick head, from all that high-fives with tall objects." Yachi fired back. Tsukishima clicked his tongue. 

"At least I can reach simple things. you can't even reach the class whiteboards even if you jump." Yachi balled her fists, giving an evil glare. 

"Pft, you're the one to talk, can't even bend down to get the things you dropped, what are you? A giraffe?" 

"I would prefer a Brachiosaurus but Giraffe is better than a tiny ant." 

Yeah right! Giraffes-"

"If you are both are so free to talk about height's I'm sure you also have time to clean the classroom after school?" The teacher scolded them. They muttered their apologies, glaring at each other silently.


"Okay, but seriously, who needs to be so tall? I would be fine with being 160." Yachi started, they were eating their lunch, Tsukishima glanced away from his book to the girl beside him.

"Well, at least I'm not so short. how can you live without carrying a stool everywhere you go?" Yachi pouted and rolled her eyes. She looked at the male who towered over her.

"Well, we are in the too short and too tall category. If you could just give like a few centimeters, we can be at normal height!" Yachi snapped, taking a bite of her bread angrily. Tsukishima sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on, if it was that easy, you'd be 160cm by now," Tsukishima explained, he would rather not talk about height again, the times they did always ended up horribly wrong.

"Just try bending down for once!" Yachi got up, her cheeks full of bread, to stare at him. Tsukishima clicked his tongue, annoyed.

"Try being tall for once!" He fired back, getting up to, to show her just how much tall he is. 

"Fine!" Yachi said she stood up on her chair. Tsukishima nitted his brows together when she almost made it to his height. He could help but burst into laughter.

"E-even the chair isn't enough!" He laughed, still having to look down on the girl. Yachi whined she gripped on his shoulder to tiptoe, finally getting on his level. 

"Holy- The air really feels different," Yachi commented, both of them bursting into laughter. Tsukishima couldn't explain how stupid they look right now, their classmates must be staring at them weirdly.


"Okay, but seriously. I want to be taller!" Yachi started it again. Tsukishima groaned in agony.

She had been talking about being tall all day!

They finally finished their cleaning punishment and were walking home together, Yamaguchi had consultation today so it was just them. 

"Please, for the love of God, stop talking about being taller." Tsukishima practically begged her. Yachi shook her head, shooting him a determined smile. He sighed and fixed his glasses, there was nothing to save her if she had those determined eyes. He looked back at their path, not trying to bother anymore... Thats until...

"Hey! What are you doing!?" Tsukishima suddenly dropped his bag when Yachi started climbing him. 

"Uh, climbing a beam pole? What else?" Yachi said she was in a piggyback position when he tried to stop her. He gripped on her calves, grumbling.

"Stop that! H-hey- my glasses!" Tsukishima's view disappeared when Yachi hooked her hands on his head.

"Just- Stay still!" Yachi groaned in frustration when she had her left leg over his shoulder. Tsukishima still muttered curses but secured her legs firmly in case she fell. She almost could sit on top of his shoulder but she yelped when her upper body suddenly yanked upside down from gravity. Tsukishima had already gripped on her legs and Yachi was now upside down, embarrassingly pulling her skirt up.

"H-help me!" Yachi whined, panicking. The whole world was so confusing and she was desperately trying to get back up, but her upper body isn't exactly that fit. She heard a menacing laugh, she knew she was dead.

"Ha?? I can't hear anything? You're so short I didn't quite get it? Say it louder!" Tsukishima said, swing her a bit to make her suffer more. Yachi cried out in regret.

"Tsukishima Kei! Please! Wahhh! I won't climb you anymore!" Yachi pleaded, she could see the shoes of many other schoolmates. Tsukishima laughed.

"And what else?" He further added, jumping a bit. Yachi yelped, she could feel her blood flowing right down to her head, making her light-headed, but she might pass out from embarrassment first. 

"A-and I won't talk about heights! Please just put me down!" Yachi screamed loudly, Not caring if anyone else would stare at them weirdly. 

"Tsukishima Kei! Please put me down!" Yachi yelled out again. Tsukishima chuckled and finally helped her, He quickly let go of her left leg and grabbed her hand to pull her upper body up. Yachi gladly pulled herself up with his help. Tsukishima gripped her back and hooked her legs around his waist. In no time she was in the piggyback position again. She sighed in relief, her soul leaving her body as he continued to carry her. She let herself be carried, her hands dropping and her head resting at his back.

"Are you done reviving? We'll miss the bus." Tsukishima asked the girl who was still lightheaded from the whole thing. She placed her head on his shoulder to further her comfort.

"I'm so dizzy-- Maybe if you helped me a bit earlier I might still be able to walk!" Yachi nagged, punching his shoulder although it barely felt anything. Yachi groaned when the sudden movement made her head spin.

"You were the first to try that stupid idea, you deserved a bit of punishment-" Yachi gave him another punch. Tsukishima sighed, ignoring the girl as he bends down to pick up his bag and hers and start walking. 

"Whatever, Hurry up and start feeling better." He easily walked to their bus stop, Yachi had already recovered but she would rather be carried since she doesn't have to walk. They arrived at the bus stop.

"Hey," Tsukishima started. Yachi tilted her head as Tsukishima bends down to drop her on the chair. "You could have walked since just now, couldn't you?" Tsukishima said, wanting to flick her forehead, but Yachi pushed his hands away. He gripped her hands and tried to get past her hands.

"S-stop, the bus is coming!" Yachi tried to change the subject, clearly losing her strength as he pushes his hands to flick her forehead. She whined and grabbed her forehead, pouting.

"You are mean!" Yachi fired at him, Tsukishima just shrugged and sat beside her. Yachi gave him a glare, which wasn't that scary for him since she was practically pouting so cutely.

"Thank you, I always try to be." He grinned, Yachi groaned frustratingly. They both finally got on their bus and sat down. They stared at each other for a solid minute before bursting into fits of giggles. 

"Why are we laughing?" Yachi asked, gripping her stomach. Tsukishima shook his head.

"I don't know," He said, their laughs died down but their smiles still were plastered on their faces.

"PFt- but seriously, next time you do that, I won't even help you get up," Tsukishima said, giving a small pout. Yachi grinned but nodded.

"I'll stick to surprise piggyback rides then," Yachi said, giggling. Tsukishima rolled his eyes, he ruffled her hair, smiling when she wasn't looking.

"Oh- by the way, you missed your stop-" Yachi pointed out to the bus moving past his destination, she snickered. 

"W-wah!" He tried to get up but slumped back down, groaning. Yachi laughed. "You could at least have told me earlier."

"What's the fun if I told you earlier?" Yachi yelped when he attacked her again, laughing at his attempts of flicking her forehead.

He'll have no choice but to walk her home again today.

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