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Short drafts of when Tsukishima can't find his glasses and Yachi has to save him from bumping into so many things.


Yachi knows how blind as a bat Tsukishima is. Heck, at least a bat knows how to find it's way through the dark, the tall male can't even locate his glasses once he loses them. 

One time he misplaced his glasses during lessons and he couldn't even see his own set of hands! What's more hilarious? His glasses were right on the table where he left them.

"Yachi-san, have you seen my glasses?" He tried his best to locate her shoulder but ended up patting her head. The whole scene caused Yachi to laugh. 

"Please help me," Tsukishima said, frowning a bit. He couldn't see much if not anything at all. So Yachi stopped her laughter and gently took the glasses from his table. And much to his relief, she gladly helped him put on his glasses back, her gentle hands sliding the glasses right back on his face. He blinked a few times before smiling as he saw her now visible face.

"Thank you." 

Another time during Pe, the male pulled up his glasses to wipe his sweat away, but then a classmate had called to him, distracting him. After a few minutes of talking, they finally ended the conversation and left Tsukishima to wonder where he placed his glasses. He blindly walked around, trying to retrace his steps, but he bumped into a certain short girl

"Oh-sorry." Was all he could say as he tried to get back his memory of where to go. Yachi looked up to the male who was squinting so hard, he might as well just close his eyes, he had his hands out so that he could feel things before bumping into them. It was honestly funny, he was like a  tyrannosaurus rex with his arms out. She waved at him, he didn't notice a thing. She noticed his glasses sitting nicely at his head, waiting to be found, and chuckled.

"Tsukishima-kun, if you're trying to find your glasses, it's on your head," Yachi called out. He looked at where her voice was and then started to feel around his head, his glasses slipping down to land on his nose. Once again he blinked a few times to adjust his vision before smiling at the clear view of her.

"Thank you, Yachi-san." He said sweetly, Yachi smiled and nodded, happy to have helped him. She can't help but wonder just what did he do to have such bad eyesight? was he a bat in his previous life?

And one of the recent ones, where he had lost his glasses, happened in one normal practice. As usual, they would stay back a bit later after practice and do a few more serves and blocks.

 Tsukishima and everyone else had all started packing up for the day, his normal routine of changing then taking off his sports glasses to his regular ones. Except for this time, a certain orange head bumped into him causing Tsukishima to drop both his glasses.

"Shit-" Tsukishima cursed, he glared at the orange head- well, tried to as he only glared at the orange volleyball shirt that was hanging near the net. It was funny to watch, Hinata quietly running away while Tsukishima was glaring at a shirt. Once Tsukishima realized that he wasn't looking at Hinata, he started looking for his glasses. 

"Need help, Tsukishima-kun?" Yachi called out to him, Tsukishima glanced up to where he thought she was ( Spoiler alert, he was so far off.) and nodded. 

Tsukishima had been bumping all over benches and even the wall, Yachi tried not to laugh as she pulled him away from hitting yet another bench. "Stand still, Tsukishima-kun. I'll help you find them, it shouldn't be far." Yachi said, Tsukishima nodded but he grabbed the hem of her sleeve just in case. 

Yachi bent down and grabbed the two pairs. She was going to give them to him, but she stopped and looked at the spectacles in curiosity. She slowly placed the glasses on her nose and looked through, cringing at the high degree. Tsukishima, still holding onto her sleeve leaned nearer, squinting.

"Have you found them?" He asked, leaning nearer to check if those were his glasses on her face. Yachi blushed as he was closer to her. He was way too close! if he came any closer, he would be touching noses with her! Yachi cleared her throat and suppressed the bubbling feeling inside her stomach

"Yes, stop trying to see, you're making your eyes tired by squinting." Yachi flicked his forehead, successfully making him lean away from her. She sighed in relief when she got her personal bubble back, her heart still thumping but at least now she felt more comfortable. She took off the glasses and grabbed his hand, placing the glasses on his hand. Tsukishima felt the familiar glasses and quickly wore them. He blinked a couple of times, getting familiar with the now very clear gym. He glanced at her, she was clearer than the moon in the night, it was rather comforting to see her in front of him.

"Thank you," Was all he said, as a small smile formed on his lips. Yachi nodded, shyly looking away. Tsukishima also took his sports glasses and placed them back in his small glasses box and then putting it inside his bag. Yachi bit the inner of her cheek, smiling a bit.

"Have you ever considered lasering, Tsukishima-kun? Your degree is so high, you might as well be considered legally blind." Yachi commented, grinning. Tsukishima rolled his eyes but nodded.

"It's annoying having to always wear glasses," Tsukishima said. Yachi chuckled but nodded. They packed their stuff and got out of the gym. The cold air hit them.

"Maybe, I heard it can make such a huge difference or not at all. They even check how thick is your iris to see if it's even safe for you to undergo that surgery." Yachi said. She remembered subconsciously typing in her google about it because she was thinking of the male's seriously scary degree. She glanced back at him who wore an indifferent reaction.

"Hm, I might try to. If the glasses get too annoying." Tsukishima said, looking at her then to the night sky, smiling a bit. Yachi hummed in agreement with him. For now, she'll just help him find his glasses, even if his glasses end up somewhere easy to find, She'll be there to help him. 


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