Luck charm

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Tsukishima was never an anxious person. But at this moment he stood right on in the stadium, crowds cheering and many other schools glaring and eyeing them, he could say he was pretty anxious. He rubbed his hands together, his fingers were cold but still, he had sweaty palms. He took a deep breath and drowned out the cheers and tried his best to ignore the stares. 

"You're anxious, Tsukishima-kun." Tsukishima jolted at the sudden voice. He turned to the girl who gave a supportive smile. He frowned but nodded. He glanced down at his hands that he's pretty sure needed a heat pack just to warm them up, he moved them and noticed a few sprained ones. "Do you need any tapping before the set begins?"

"Yes, that would much be needed." Tsukishima gave a small smile to the girl as she opened her bag of many first aid needs he couldn't even name. She took out the tape and held out her, gesturing to place his own on hers. He placed his right hand.

"Which finger?" Yachi asked, he moved his ring and middle finger. Yachi nodded and started gently wrapping his finger. Her hands were warm, at least warmer than his icy cold ones. He noticed Yachi chuckling after finishing his middle finger and moving to his ring finger. He tilted his head, which Yachi noticed.

"Your hands are cold. You must really be anxious, Tsukishima-kun. it's even colder than the last game we had." Yachi pointed out, he froze but he muttered an excuse of the place being too cold, Yachi shook her head and ignored his petty excuse. She finally tapped his ring finger and started rubbing her hands together with his, which he gladly accepted. 

This ritual became a habit for the pair, Yachi offering any medical need before any of his games, of course, she would try her best for their other members, but somehow she ended up helping him the most, rubbing his hands warm and tapping some for more comfort, maybe even helping him calm down his nerves. It was a small gesture that they both appreciate, him appreciating it more. 

"It'd be bad if your fingers cramped up because they're cold." Tsukishima agreed, understanding that the girl only wants him to be in the best condition, that's why she helps him, but he can't help the tugging of wanting more than just that simple answer. Yachi's hands were much smaller than his, but her hands were warm as hell.

He relaxed as he focused more on her rhythm rather than the anxious thoughts nipping in his mind. She would rub her palms against the back of his hands and then moved to individual fingers, his muscles relaxing tremendously from the shared heat. It was like a warm 'good luck!' before any of his games, it was the only thing that was constant during games, her warm hands, and her rhythm he was sure he remembered every step. 

"Don't worry about it Tsukishima-kun. I'm sure you will do your best today too." Yachi glanced up at him with a smile that could rip his heart wide open. One smile from the female made him relax more than his logical thoughts calming him down. 

"Everyone gather!" Ukai called out to them, Tsukishima turned to them, noticing that his teammates were staring at him and Yachi. 'lucky bastard' were shot at him by glares.

"Thank you," He said, testing out his hands, they moved way more smoothly and he smiled. He looked at her and patted her head before joining the team. 

"Good luck!" Yachi called out, he glanced at her and nodded. looking away to hide the blush he knows was plastered in his cheeks. He clicked his tongue, more than being anxious about the game, he now became anxious about the growing feeling he had in the pit of his stomach. It didn't help when his members teased him, further making the male blush. 

"Finished with your good luck charm, Tsukishima!?" Nishinoya teased, he was jumping up and down in front of him, Tsukishima sneered and avoided the eye contact, which Nishinoya grinned harder at. 

"Man! You lucky bastard! I wish Kiyoko-san was still here," Tanaka shouted, his tears dripping down dramatically. Tsukishima ignored the constant teasing of his teammates, even Yamaguchi had joined in. Instead, he remembered the hands that ran through his hands that came with warmth and comfort he fell i̶n̶ ̶l̶o̶v̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ came to like.

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