But, It's our thing! (2)

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Tomorrow came as Tsukishima walked to school, a bit happier today.

"Something going on, Tsukki?" Yamaguchi asked, looking at the male weirdly. Tsukishima nodded, his eyes shimmering a bit, although he still looked his normal and scary self.

"I'm going to the new strawberry cafe with Yachi-san," Tsukishima explained rather calmly. Yamaguchi grinned.

"Like... a date?" The green haired boy questioned. Tsukishima stopped dead on his track as the realization kicked in. Did Yachi think it was a date? wait, but she said, friend? It was just a hangout right? like going with Yamaguchi to a movie because Yamaguchi practically dragged him out of the house.

"Wha- no, it's just us going to hang out." Tsukishima tried to recollect his thoughts, surely Yachi didn't mean going out as a date. Right?

"Yeah... alone, just the two of you to a very hot dating spot," Yamaguchi added more flame to the fire pit he set. Tsukishima blushed hard, calculating all the other explanations for a hangout. Yachi definitely meant it in a friendly way.

"No, it's not a date. She asked me to go and I asked why and she said, and I quote, 'that's what friends are for'" Tsukishima said confidently. Yamaguchi just shrugged. They entered the school hall.

"I don't know, Tsukki. Girls say that all the time." Yamaguchi took off his shoes and slipped on to his indoor ones. Tsukishima did the same.

"But Yachi- no? Yachi-san is not like those girls." Tsukishima reasoned, gently closing his shoe locker.

"You may never know, Tsukki. Maybe it's a hang out to you, but a date to her. or maybe it really is just a hangout. maybe you should have confirmed it with her." Yamaguchi shrugged, glancing at his very overstressed out friend. They started walking to their classroom

Tsukishima does not know anymore, if it is a misunderstanding like Yamaguchi said, the poor girl would be heartbroken and too ashamed to even face him. But then again if it was really just a hangout, he was overthinking things and complicating his emotions. He groaned frustratingly, rubbing his temples. He just wanted cake!

"Ah! Tsukishima-kun!" Yachi called out. Yamaguchi snorted.

"Speak of the devil. Just go and ask her, it isn't that big of a deal." Yamaguchi said, he patted his friend's shoulder and then walked into their classroom, leaving Tsukishima to fend for himself.

"Yachi-san, good morning." Tsukishima turned to the girl, keeping his cool as best as possible. The girl radiated happiness which was not helping Tsukishima at all.

"Good morning to you too! Anyways, I asked Kirin-chan if she wanted to join us and she said okay, well she doesn't actually know you will be there. But is it alright if she comes? It's fine if you don't want to! I can-"

"Oh thank God. Yes, I'm fine with that." Tsukishima said, rather too relieved. Yachi looked at him, a bit concerned but then she nodded.

"Okay then, I'll tell her that you are actually coming. I'll see you after classes? by the gates?" Yachi asked, Tsukishima nodded. They said their goodbyes and Tsukishima got inside his classroom.

"So? Is it a date or not?" Yamaguchi asked as Tsukishima sat down on his desk.

"It's not a date. she said uh... I think her name was Kiri? was joining us too." Tsukishima explained. Yamaguchi groaned, frowning. "Why are you unhappy about that?"

"Because! Tsukki! I thought this was actually going to be your first time being asked out, by a cute girl too! I was seriously going to ask my mom to get a lottery ticket." Yamaguchi said, earning a cold glare from the other male.

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