Romance Books

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Tsukishima Kei, a salty ball of pain, a savage king, and many more other names all meaning the same thing, Tsukishima was a straightforward and cold guy.

So what Yachi Hitoka witnessed in her new job at a new cafe was needless to say shocking. A Tsukishima Kei, sweet strawberry cake, with an all too sweet drink, and most importantly, a romance book. It was one of her favourites too.

Every Saturday, without fail, the male would come in at around 12pm, when Yachi just gets in for work. He'd order one of the strawberry desserts and then a sweet drink that most certainly would give Yachi a sugar rush from just one sip and that all too familiar red cover of a romance book.

Of course, she wouldn't want the 8th wonders of the world to disappear in front of her own eyes, nor would she want Tsukishima to see her in the ridiculous maid outfit. Which meant one thing, never encounter Tsukishima.

It worked for a few weeks, just staring at the boy behind the shadows, waiting for him to leave but also finding herself more intrigued with how pretty the male looked when he read. The small sparkle in his eyes when she assumes a really cheesy part comes, how adorably cute to see him wipe the cream off his face when he clumsily took a bite of the cake. And how he'd smile or chuckle at what he read. It was such a different aura than when he was in school, Yachi grew more interested in him.

It was a small step, a tiny little spark that could hardly even light a flame. She began reading what he read. First a classic, Romeo and Juliet, then the next week it would be the new novel release from a famous writer that had a red cover, then back again to another old-time classic. Yachi was invested. Too invested.

"Wah? Yachi-san, what's this book?" Hinata asked for the end of their club activities. Yachi flushed hard, she thought she zipped her bag tight. She snatched away the bright pink book from the orange head's hand. Her face went bright when everyone was already looking at her. Curse Hinata's loud voice.

"Oh? Yachi-san, I didn't know you liked romance books?" Yamaguchi teased, giving a covered snicker. Yachi flushed even more, quickly putting away the book in the comfort of her bag. Ah, she didn't want to be caught like this.

"I-I'm keeping it for a friend! A friend!" She tried to push the blame away from her, but it was all too late.

"I thought you'd be into young adult books, Yachi-san, but still, I respect your hobby," Sugawara said, patting the girl's shoulder. Yachi groaned in annoyance, feeling at a loss. That's when her eyes met with him.

Tsukishima, eyes widened in a shocked state, his mouth a bit open. She could tell he was astonished, maybe even flustered with himself. As soon as their eyes met, it quickly was snatched away by Yachi, turning to face her bag. She wanted the day to end quickly.

Well, a glance was just the beginning. No matter what Yachi did, he always seemed to be there. Whether it was the book store or outside the school gate, walking to the gym, or even just the hallways, Tsukishima just so happens to be there. Yachi panicked, she wondered if he knew already, she wondered if he knew of her part-time job and how every week, she'd get caught with the same book he was reading. Yachi was utterly in a state of panic.

It was another day of work for Yachi, the same time when Tsukishima arrived, she'd eagerly gone to the back of the shop, working on other things. But she of course still had time to see what he was reading. The familiar red cover was the new volume of the romance novel. Her eyes twinkled, she needed that book. She turned her back around, easily going back to work after she had seen Tsukishima.

She didn't notice the pair of eyes that followed her.


That following week, Yachi had bought the new novel with her hard-earned money. She walked along the halls, holding the new book in her hands, she quickly had given up on trying to hide it, I mean, everyone already knew, why bother?

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