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I did it! I have finally finished the last part of the 3 part series! I have moved the short story to the back so that the 3 parts flow nicely. Let me tell ya, the last part was going to be so much more different! I had to cut out a lot of parts because it just really didn't fit the whole story, I didn't want to make it so complicated.

There was a part where Tsukishima skipped school after Yachi gave him the cake(Cuz he depressed Dino D: ) and Yachi visited him to give his assignments which led to his brother and mom finding out about his crush on her.

There was also going to be a short date part? where Tsukishima was meant to try to make Yachi like this guy in their class by getting them to go on a date. But it backfires when the guy ghosted her and Tsukishima rushed to get her.

Well, I might make another short fic on those two ideas that I deleted out because it doesn't sound that bad as a short read! I do hope you like these stories so far! I might post another short fic later if I have time. I'm trying to get out a bit of angst?

Because lately, I haven't been suffering enough (Which really weirded me out) so I would like to inflict myself with mental pain. :D

Anyway, thanks for reading these, those 3 or 4 people who still read this.


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