Not our fault.

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They could've made it. They should've. So why, why did the ball drop? It happened too fast. Nishinoya was there, even Hinata. But the ball flew right through their sensors and even before they thought it was too late, the ball had slammed down. 

They lost.

"And that is the end of Monster rein for Karasuno! Every year they get higher to the top!" They couldn't even hear what the announcer said as they all had their attention to their minds. How? When?

It happened too fast. The thank you's and the interviews. Then their coach trying to get them to listen.

"I know it's hard-hitting. But this just proves that you've all grown. look at what you have achieved and look at what you have failed. fuel yourself with that feeling of dread and failure to sharpen your skills and achieve greater."

Yachi took it hard the most. Halfway through, their promising first year had stretched his leg muscle. If she knew- If she just helped him a little faster. If she had better her skills as being a manager, they might have just won. What's worse is Nishinoya had strained his own wrist while playing, maybe if she did another way of taping, it would have helped him relieve some of the pressure. If only she was better.

She picked up the bag of bottles, her big box of medical kits, another bag for towels, and a cooler. It felt natural, but she couldn't get that weird feeling of defeat in her chest. She gripped the cooler tighter.

"Let me help-"

"It's fine. you all should just get some rest." Yachi cut off her teammates' sentence. The brief silence around them seemed to last longer than she had wanted. They felt the thick and utter defeat surrounding them and they could do nothing but let it overflow their minds and body.

"Are-" Before they can ask her further, a warm hand gripped on her shoulder and a deep and gentle voice called out behind her. 

"Let her... She needs time alone." Tsukishima stopped their first year. Their junior shut his mouth and nodded, lowering his head. Tsukishima glanced at the two, feeling the all-knowing gloomy aura they had. "And... It's not your fault. You didn't know your muscles would strain if you bent further." Tsukishima reassured him. He burst into tears and nodded, a small whine escaping his throat. Tsukishima patted his back for comfort and pushed him with the rest. He glanced back at Yachi, who still hung her head low.

"Hitoka." He grabbed her shoulders, getting her attention. "You kept our spirits so high. If it weren't for you, we might have just lost even on the second set-"

"But If only I did better maybe we could have won the third." She cut him off. Tsukishima looked at her, surprised. Yachi herself was surprised. She slapped her mouth close. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to sound so selfish. You must've done more than I ever could. You were in the game. I was just... Just a useless manager." Yachi pushed him aside, biting her lip hard. Why was she being so selfish? She didn't wait for an answer as she pushed the doors to the gym back, her tears were threatening to fall, but she didn't want anyone to worry over her so she sucked it up and pushed the feelings down.

They got on the bus, her placing the bags into the storage area of the bus. She was the last to get in, she slumped down on the empty seat and rested her eyes. She felt the bus move and her memories recalled the games again and again. It didn't help that the bus was so very quiet. No Hinata shouting at Kageyama, no Nishinoya trying to annoy Tsukishima or literally any juniors. not one of their juniors held any conversations about the games and how to improve further. The dense silence made Yachi spiral more and more with her thoughts.

If only she noticed their first game that her junior might be overexerting himself, maybe she could have prevented the strain on their next game. If only she perfected her skills in tapping then Nishinoya would have been easily getting the ball back up in the air. If she was just that bit better, they could have done it. If she had done her research on their opponent's style of attack or how they dealt with attacks just an hour or two more. Or even took more care of her teammate's health and physical strength? Why didn't she do all of these 'ifs'? Why didn't she just pushed herself harder?

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