A sudden bomb of affection.

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I wondered how Tsukishima would always control his feelings until it just explodes into one big ball of emotions and how it would shock Yachi at his sudden affectionate side, I thought it would be so cute at Yachi being flustered and Tsukishima just throwing his feelings at her like a bomb! Tsukishima thinking he was tired but actually just craving human affection from Yachi. Short fluff!

"Yachi-san..." Tsukishima called out, looking tired. Yachi turned to her boyfriend with a smile. Tsukishima looked a bit worried? or maybe wanting something.

"Yes?" She asked, looking at the male who lazily walked to her. Tsukishima had just finished packing up the gym after practice and even changed back into his clothes, he looked more tired than usual. "T-Tsukki-kun?"

Tsukishima placed his head onto her shoulder and hugged her tightly. "I-I'm so tired." Tsukishima didn't exactly know if he's tired or not, maybe he just wanted to hug the girl, but he wouldn't admit to it.

Yachi was familiar with the affection he gave when he's tired, so she wrapped her hands around him and softly patted his hair. Instantly, the male relaxed and leaned nearer to her. Yachi chuckled at her boyfriend's tired state. Tsukishima could feel his energy coming back. He grumbled tiredly. 

"Tsukishima-kun? we should head out and get home so you can rest!" Yachi suggested, but when she waited for his response, nothing came. "Kei?"

Tsukishima gripped her tighter and muttered a no, he dug himself deeper on her shoulder, she smelled nice and she felt so soft and tiny. Tsukishima could just fall asleep like this. He felt his heated cheeks but he didn't mind. He understands that he isn't tired. He felt like just hugging and kissing the girl, maybe even telling her his 'I love yous'

"K-Kei! we might fall if you keep on leaning on me," Yachi said, panicking. Tsukishima ignored her. It was a rare action, he would usually finally let her go and they would start going home, but today was different, today, he just wanted to stay with her for just a bit longer. He closed his eyes and buried himself onto her neck, making her giggle at his ticklish hair. Yachi sighed and allowed him to linger a bit longer, she knew he was more tired than usual. 

Tsukishima's heart ran faster as time passes, it felt too nice to hug her. "I love you,"

"H-huh!?" Yachi blushed hard, it was very very rare for Tsukishima to say that. she gripped him tighter. "Kei? Are you okay today?" She asked, although Tsukishima has said I love you before, it was usually when he was feeling sad, alone, sick, or on very special occasions. 

"I love you," He replied to her, Yachi turned her head to the side, her nose feeling his soft hair brushing against her. "I love you." He muttered again. Yachi's heart beat faster, 3 times!? Is she dead? "I- I really love you."

"Kei... is something bothering you? it's so rare for-"

"I love you, Hitoka." Tsukishima just cut her off, he sounded like he whimpered a bit. He finally let go but he touched her forehead with his. Tsukishima stared right at her, he doesn't understand why he had the urge to give so much sudden affections, but it didn't bother him or he didn't care, either way, it's fine. Yachi blushed harder, feeling dizzy, maybe it was too much affection, he thought.

"I-I love you too, Kei... but I'm worried, are you sick? It's so rare for you to give so many affections..." Yachi said, gaining a bit of composure, she stared at him, worried. Tsukishima bit his lips and shook his head.

"I... I just love you!" He admitted, hugging her again. Yachi's heart couldn't take it. 

"T-Tsukishima!? H-hey wait- you can't just do this s-so suddenly and think I won't go crazy! H-hey! Are you listening? Kei??" Yachi said, panicking a bit. "Wait- are you really Tsukishima Kei!?" 

Tsukishima sighed and let her go, his face was so red. Yachi looked at him, confused. Tsukishima leaned down at her. "I'm listening. And... I just wanted to say it... okay?" Tsukishima said, cupping her cheeks with his hands. Yachi pouted a bit.

"I know... It's just so rare for you to be so... affectionate." Yachi said, blushing. how many 'I love yous' has he said already today?

"I'm sorry for not being so affectionate. I'll work on it." Tsukishima whispered, his eyes showed that he wanted to do more to her, she wondered what had possessed him to be so... clingy? "I don't know why I'm like this- I just really wanted to tell you..." 

Yachi relaxed and giggled. She relaxed and nodded, holding his hands that were on her cheeks. She didn't need to worry, he just wanted to show his feelings and Yachi should accept it all especially when it's so rare.

"I love you too, Kei-kun." She said she stared at him. He looked like he was about to cry or die from the cuteness. 

"Ah- fuck it." He muttered, Yachi was going to ask what but it surprised her when his lips landed onto her's, she yelped at the sudden action, but soon she found herself kissing back. She grinned, her boyfriend can be so unpredictable at times. Tsukishima pulled away and started kissing her forehead, cheeks, and nose. Yachi giggled and comfortably held onto his shoulders. 

Tsukishima doesn't really show his feelings, but when he does, it's a big heavy ball of affections that just leaves you dead on the ground, taking it all in. Yachi was happy that he loves her so much that Tsukishima couldn't control his feelings. Yachi felt like the happiest girl ever. 

she smiled up at him, cupping his cheeks. He looked embarrassed for being so clingy and affectionate. 

"S-sorry..." He muttered. Yachi shook her head, pinching his cheeks.

"I think it's cute." She giggled, Tsukishima blushed harder. It was a new side of him that she loves just like everything about him. "Should we get going? or do you need more?" She teased him.

"L-let's go..." Tsukishima said, not daring to look at her in fear of losing control again. Yachi laughed but nodded. He hesitated, but he grabbed her hand, he relaxed when she squeezed his hand back. They walked home, hand in hand. 

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