winter date

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It was a cold day, colder than Yachi expected. She tried her best not to be a shivering mess as she walked to the station to meet the Volleyball team. She wouldn't miss this outing ever! They had all agreed on having a little break by going to a very famous street. She was excited to see many posters and media designs littered on the streets, she was going there for fun, but also get inspiration from the posters and designs.

She hurried her way. She looked around the station and then to her phone. She was half an hour early. She almost wanted to cry out, her thin jacket isn't helping one bit, and no one was there. Maybe she was hallucinating and made up the whole thing for her pitiful self. She almost believed it when...

"Yachi-san." She flinched at her name being called, she turned around to the tall blonde. She almost wanted to thank him for arriving. She was seriously thinking this was all a thing she made up.

"T-Tsukishima-kun! I guess you're early too." She said, her nerves calming down a bit. Her arms were shaking so much, she hid them behind her back as he walked closer. He nodded silently. He looked comfy, with his fluffy dark green scarf(a cute dinosaur at the end of the scarf was seen), multiple layers of coats( a green jacket under a black jacket and then a brown coat), and dark green gloves. She wished her past self looked at the weather channel before leaving. She felt the daggers looking at her.

"You look very cute, Yachi-san." He said calmly, she rubbed circles on her head and nodded shyly.

"Really? You think so? Thanks, Tsuki-" she then realized what THE Tsukishima Kei said. She froze, feeling her cheeks heat up, she turned to him, shocked, confused, and overall scared.

"Tsukishima-kun!?" She called out to him, she looked at him like he was alien. He frowned and pouted his lips.

"What? I can be nice too you know." He snapped, turning away from the girl. She stared at him again, making sure he is real. She then smiled brightly and chuckled.

"Thank you Tsukishima-kun. By the way... when is everyone coming?" She asked, checking her phone again. It was almost time for the agreed timing. Tsukishima also checked his phone, shrugging, but he got a message.

"Ah... Yamaguchi said he can't make it. He caught a cold." Tsukishima said, sounding a bit disappointed. Yachi nodded. Then a message popped up.

"Oh... Hinata said that his road to the station and school was blocked with snow..." Yachi said, another message from Hinata, it was a picture of a thick wall of snow, looking like it was the same height as Hinata. Tsukishima grumbled, he didn't like where this was going. Suddenly their group chat blew up.

Daichi: Suga got sick, going over to his house to help him.

Tanaka: My sister and I are stuck on the road.

Jesus: Gomenn, Noya is trying to dig our way through the snow.

Kageyama: I'm lost... went running and I'm lost.

Yachi was shaking, not only from the cold. But how they all one by one suddenly ghosted on them. Tsukishima was starting to get frustrated too.

Shimizu: Hitoka-san, Gomen but I didn't know I had some errands today... I won't be able to come.

"Seriously... the snow isn't that thick! Maybe for the Tangerine seeing as he lives on a God damn mountain. But Noya-san too?" Tsukishima said, his voice obviously irritated. She laughed nervously.

She had to agree with him, the snow isn't that thick, although it is colder than normal, it wasn't like there was a blizzard. And being sick? Maybe if your immune system is weak, but Sugawara? The mom of the group? Sick?

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