Give me a minute

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Yachi blushed hard, turning to her seatmate as he ate lunch. Today is the day she will tell him her huge crush on him.

"T-Tsukishima-kun..." She tugged on the elbow of his jacket. Tsukishima turned to her, tilting his head.

"What is it Yachi-san? Did you forget your lunch again?" Tsukishima asked, looking at the girl's empty table. Yachi shook her head.

"Um, are you free later? like... after school and stuff" Yachi's voice was soft and squeaky. Tsukishima took a second before replying again.

"Well there's nothing, why do you ask?" Yachi jolted when he came nearer. Yachi laughed nervously.

"Uh- well, can you meet me after school then? B-by the back gates! Just you... please." Yachi gave a nervous smile. Tsukishima moved back and then nodded. He went back to his lunch. Yachi started rummaging her bag, Tsukishima assumed it was to get her own lunch. He knew the girl can be forgetful with her lunch, sometimes forgetting to bring it. Then he wondered why exactly she wanted to meet him.

"Okay? For what?" He turned to Yachi when she suddenly got up with her lunch. It was weird since they'd usually eat together, Yamaguchi had to stay in his own class today because he forgot to do his homework the night before.

"Just go, okay? I'll see you after lunch then." Yachi said rather too quickly. Before he could say anything else, she had run off. Tsukishima frowned, tilting his head in confusion. He carried on with his lunch alone.

The time came when Tsukishima was supposed to meet up with Yachi by the gate. He took a quicker time to pack his things and headed off. It had made the male curious as to why the girl asked him to meet him out of the blue. He didn't even see her during lunch. He sighed and just carried on. He changed his shoes and made his way to the back, near the Gym there was a back gate where they'd usually take after practices. He saw the familiar blonde head and walked a bit faster. She seemed to be flustered or anxious.

"Yachi-san." He tapped the girl's shoulder. Yachi yelped by surprise, dropping something she was carrying in her hand. Yachi quickly picked it up and turned to him.

"Tsukishima-kun! I didn't think you'd come this early..." Yachi muttered more to herself than him. Tsukishima shrugged, he then noticed the light envelope she held.

He wondered what it was until it clicked on his head. Immediately he blushed. Asked by a cute girl o come alone in a secluded area, she has a pink envelope and she had a cute blush on her cheeks, Tsukishima knew the time finally came.

"Tsukishima-kun, I!-"

"W-wait! Before you do that, Give me a minute." Tsukishima covered his face and turned away from her He already knew Yachi liked him, he found out by accident


He was in the Library trying to find a book he wanted to read, he found it but on the other side of the bookshelf was Yachi and some girl he remembered as her best friend.

"Stop being in denial, You like that Blonde haired guy from the volleyball team!" Tsukishima froze, Yachi, who was looking at the other shelf suddenly turned around. Tsukishima ducked low, covering his mouth to avoid any noise coming out of his mouth.

"I-It's just admiration! I... I mean he's a great person, who wouldn't... like him.." He heard the flustered state of Yachi. He couldn't help but hear his heart beating faster.

"Uh- The girls call him Elsa. He is cold as ice! Besides, they only think his hot. but YOU definitely see more than that." Tsukishima frowned, they called him Elsa!?

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