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When I arrived home after school on a Friday, I was soaking wet. My clothes felt cold on my skin, and my nose was running. My mascara ran down my face caused mainly by the tears that I had not noticed I had shed. My hair was still full of sticky chocolate and vanilla pudding even though Violette and I tried washing it at the school's restroom sink. My hair was so tangled that on the walk home, I am certain a bird mistook it for its nest, landing near my head. My shoes were covered in marinara sauce and pieces of pepperoni. A disgusting, strong smell conquered my nostrils, and I knew it was coming from me. I urged for a shower.

"¡Ay, Dios mio!" were Pa's first words when he saw me. I didn't even bother to crack a smile like I always do when I walk in. "Are you okay?"

He made his way towards me, wiping his hands on a towel and then, handing it to me.

"I'm covered in chocolate and vanilla pudding, water, pizza, and possibly bird feathers. I'm delighted," I said, sarcastically. Pa leaned in but quickly, pulled away disgusted.

"Mija, that's not vanilla pudding," Pa said. I gave him a look, questioning his words, but soon my brain made sense of it.

"No, no," I whispered as I made my way to the bathroom. Quickly, I turned on the shower and stripped off my clothes. The bathroom was soon covered in steam, and I decided to step in. Unfortunately, the water was boiling hot, and I immediately jumped out as it touched my leg. "Too hot!" I exclaimed and adjusted the temperature.

As I let the water run through my entire body, I took a deep breath and replayed what had happened in school.

Courtney Hill, as always, stopped when she saw me near my broken locker. She commented on how pathetic I looked fighting my locker. I rolled my eyes, wittingly stating that she looked pathetic with her overlined lip. Insult after insult, we continued to argue in the middle of the hall. After a distasteful comment about my dads, I lost my cool, pushing her hard and warning her not to go there. Even though I thought she was going to hit the wall, she simply stumbled back. However, when she tried to regain her balance, she let go of her Chanel bag, and it fell into the garbage can. When I realized what I had done, it was too late. Infuriated, she threatened me, mentioning that karma always finds its way. Angrily, she walked away and that's when Violette came and asked what she had missed. I shrugged it off and made my way to class.

During lunchtime, I walked towards the table we always sit at, aware of my surroundings now more than ever. I turned to look at Violette, who was eating a burger. Unexpectedly, my entire body collapsed to the floor and my plate flew up into the air, landing on me. Food covered my clothes and my eyes. As I wiped my eyes, I heard someone's teasing voice say, "Oh no, let me help you with that." A cold liquid ran through my entire body, starting at the top of my head. Then, I felt a heavy substance being dumped at the top of my head. The substance dripped, reaching my lips. Pudding. Humiliated, I wiped my face and looked over at the pranksters, not surprised to see Courtney and her gang laughing. Alicia was sitting on the edge of the table I tripped on, holding empty pudding cups, and Courtney was holding an empty water bottle. It was hard to get up; my feet kept slipping on the greasy pizza that I was so excited to have for lunch. When I finally thought I was balanced enough to walk, I slipped again but this time, to prevent myself from falling, I grabbed the person nearest to me, Hunter Levi.

"About time, babe," he flirted. Immediately, I pushed him out of my way, running to the restroom.

From afar, I heard Courtney yell, "You belong in the trash, not my Chanel bag." All for her stupid Chanel bag.

As I opened the door to the restroom, I noticed that my eyes were blurry from the tears that were beginning to form. When I blinked them away, I was startled to see a guy washing his hands, staring in my direction. Behind him, there was a row of urinals. As fast as I could, I got out and went into the restroom next to that one. Soon after, Violette followed and helped me wash my hair. She said she had reported what had happened to the office.

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