Chapter 5: In Action

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I was standing in front of the front desk. Mrs. Benson was typing up a report for the locker. Apparently, Africa was leaving earlier than planned. Although I did not talk to her, I was going to miss her because she didn't like Courtney either. But at the same time, she was going to leave me her locker which I had to be thankful for. I never understood why she went out with Hunter Levi. She's so calm and sweet. It didn't make sense in my head. It was as if I were to date him. Ugh, no.

I was twirling my keys with my fingers, nervously. Since the day I saw the picture, I can't see Mrs. Benson in the eye. It was either embarrassment or guilt. That didn't matter at the moment. I bit my lip and looked at the empty chairs in the office. I swallowed. I was wrecked with nerves. Today, everything had to be great. The plan must come through. It had to work.

"Okay, as you can see, I have sent the message to the principal," she said and showed me the screen. I leaned on the desk to get a better view. I nodded as I felt my keys slip out of my fingers. Quickly, I grabbed them from the desk.

"Thank you," I said, shyly. She smiled and nodded for me to go back to class.

"No problem," she said. "And let your parents know that they are gladly welcomed to talk to the principal whenever they please." I walked down the hallway and into class. My keys felt heavier than normal but I didn't mind since I was already late to class. Fortunately, there was a substitute in the place of my regular teacher. He was tall and had blue eyes. He looked really young and he was stylish. I took my seat. Violette gazed at him and I could see the sparkle in her eye. I took out my notebook, which I did not forget in my locker. I wrote the notes that he had written down on the board. On the corner, he printed his name.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen," he welcomed as he clapped his hands together. "My name is Mr. Eric and I'll be your substitute. Uh, if you guys are interested, then, I'm in a band and I play instruments like the drums. I'm pretty cool but you guys must behave. I know we have troublemakers here. Raise your hand. You, yeah? Okay. You can start copying down these notes."

I finished writing the last word when I felt a piece of paper fly in front of me. I unfolded the paper and read 'He is HOT!' I looked at Vi who leaned back in her chair and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and reminded her to concentrate. Instead, she raised her hand. Mr. Eric walked to her and put a warm arm on her shoulder.

"Yes?" he asked. She melted. Hunter Levi has competition, I thought and smiled. She cleared her throat.

"I finished copying down the notes. What else can I do?" Vi asked but to me, it sounded more like, 'Marry me, please. I would do anything!' Scene.

"Actually, you can help me take attendance," he said and Violette quickly stood up. Widely, she smiled and walked to the front. She knew everyone's name which didn't take long for her to be back in her seat. "Can I get your name?"

"Violette. Violette Nelson, but you can call me Vi." He nodded. This was going to be a long day with Vi but at least, I had something to distract me from her gushing as well.

Step 1: Record Courtney talking smack

As soon as lunch started, I went to the bathroom. I knew that in five minutes, Courtney and her gang was going to come in. Vi was telling girls not to go in there so that the stalls were empty. I put the toilet seat down and climbed on top of it so that my feet weren't visible. After I heard the door open, I quickly got out the recording pen I had bought online and pressed record. Courtney was laughing along with one of her friends. As expected, she did her search and then began to talk.

"Where the hell is Alexis?" I heard Alicia's voice ask. I moved the pen closer to the opening so that it would be able to record what was going on.

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