Chapter 27: Suspicious

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"What if the H is for Hunter?"Violette blurted out. Camille lightened up after Violette spoke. She had a point which made me fear that it would be true. Africa didn't deserve a guy like him. At least, not after everything he has done to both of us.

"But he denied it,"I said and quickly added, "in a suspicious way."

"Bingo,"Camille said. We were sitting on the floor in Violette's room. Although her house was one floor and a basement, it was very big. Her whole house had white walls and a boarded floor. Everything seemed to be completely clean as if they bleached the walls. The floor was amazingly shiny which was impressive for parents who weren't at home that long. Unlike the house, we showed the lazy side of it. We had two boxes with pizza by our side and a large soda. The window was open, letting fresh wind enter the room. Her room was white as well, looking like a hospital.

"How exactly did he say it?"Violette asked. I tried to recall his exact words.

"N-No. I'm just-uh- asking. It's very pretty. I don't want some guy stealing your heart first,"I imitated Hunter. Clearing my throat, I gave a shy smile, hoping it was enough for my friends to detect a lie.

"Hey, that's pretty good,"Camille said then sighed and added,"He has to know about it."

"There was something else but apparently, my fingers are too fat to reach it."

"What was it?"Violette asked. I gave her a look.

"Well, if I knew, I would tell you,"I replied and rolled my eyes. She chuckled, nervously, and shrugged at her question. Suddenly, I heard the front door open, making me jump unexpectedly.

"Oh my god, is it Austin?"Camille asked as she hid behind Vi's bed. Her long teal hair followed her as she tucked a loose strand behind her ear. She gave a shy look. I rolled my eyes, once again and took another slice. "Dude, that's been like your fifth slice."

"Sixth,"I corrected and took a bite.

"Now, I know why your fingers are that fat,"Camille teased. I stuck out my tongue and took another cheesy bite. Taking out a pepperoni, I ate it and watched as Violette headed outside. "I'm not the skinniest girl out there, you know. I don't need a thigh gap. I'm confident with the way I look even if I have more hip than other girls."

"You might not be that skinny but you have curves. You know what Meghan Trainor says, 'Boys like a little more booty.' Plus, you aren't overweight or something," Camille said with a wink. I laughed, blushing slightly. There were footsteps coming near us therefore, Cami lowered her head.

"Hi, girls,"Mrs. Nelson said. I smiled and greeted her back. "I hope you're having a good time." She looked tired as she headed for her bedroom. She works at a clinic as a pediatrician which is a very well paying job. It's also a good job if you have the patience to deal with children all day. I looked back at Camille who was sitting back next to us.

"Austin went out with some old friends. Just because he's a travelling nerd, doesn't mean he doesn't like to drink and stuff." Violette laughed and sat on her bed, grabbing her cup of soda. She took a swift sip then chugged her beverage.

"Why are you so scared to see him?"I asked. Violette began to chew the foam cup, leaving teeth marks on it. She had the bad habit of doing it all the time. I focused back to Camille, who began to answer my question.

"I don't know. I just feel like we're just friends. He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend or anything,"she said, sadly. "I'm such a sucker for guys like him." Her French accent was taking over her voice. I had to listen closely to understand.

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