Chapter 34: Stay

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Unfortunately, it is almost the end of NYG. I hope you have enjoying it so far and that the next chapter posted will be epic or at least, remembered. Also, I will be doing a Q&A soon so start thinking of questions that you would like to ask. More details soon. Enjoy :)

Sometimes, I wish I could stay young forever. All I want is to keep living the adventure of senior year even though I never predicted it. The fact that it was unexpected had be hooked. I'm different. Not many people are like me but I like that. My friends were chosen wisely and my adventure was based on decisions. Freezing time should be easier. I cannot believe that in a couple of weeks I will never belong to this school. I won't go to class here and I won't have this day back. Maybe, I should've appreciated every day a lot more.

Running, Hunter and I were gasping for air. Again, we weren't the most physically fit people out there. Hunter was still confused, asking every few blocks where we were going. After my legs were burning, I paused. Hunter did, too.

"I don't get it. You are my high school love,"Hunter said in between gasps. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not. Trust me,"I said and sighed. I bend forward and put my hands on my knees. "Shouldn't have worn a dress."

"You're complaining? I'm hot."

"Stop bragging,"I stated.

"I'm hot in temperature. I wasn't talking about appearance. Although I am quite sexy,"he said and stood up straight. He put a finger inside his collar and stretched it out. Maybe, Hunter didn't look that bad. He was standing right where the light from the post hit, pulling at his collar, and smirking. He did look like some kind of model or the cover of a movie. Not just any type of movie but those movies that usually have a hot guy and somehow, there is sex involved.

I gave a small smile as I stared at him, hoping he wouldn't notice. His smirk disappeared like in those serious scenes of movies. When I finally noticed, I looked down as a reflects, pretending I hadn't just imagined him as a sex symbol.

"Liked what you looked at?"he asked. I lifted my head up to face him. He took three steps towards me.

"Yeah,"I said, "the floor is quite interesting." He chuckled and looked behind him. "Anyway, we have to move so that you can meet up wi-"

"Are you sure?"Hunter asked me. It was my turn to be confused. "Are you sure you want to let me go? Are you sure I'm not the one? We could try it one last time. I mean, just to make sure." I looked at his blue eyes and suddenly, I saw them sparkle. I gulped, doubting everything I ever thought.

"I'm in doubt,"I said, honestly. I saw Hunter lean in but I didn't stop him. His lips were on mine, kissing me passionately. He was a good kisser. I knew that in order to find out if he was the one, I had to kiss back and I did.

I always hear that when a person kisses another and it is truly love, they feel like they are the only ones that exist. They feel butterflies and fireworks everywhere. They feel a spark. It's like connection that was meant for them. A puzzle piece that finally found it's other fit. That person is their other half. Although all of those, scientifically, aren't the correct terms, kissing is magical. Addictive. Perfect. Because of that one kiss, I knew exactly what I felt for Hunter Levi.

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