Chapter 13: All Night in Trouble

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Hearing the footsteps approach as my phone rang, I panicked. I hung up and sat still next to a stiff Hunter. I tried giving him a goofy smile but it didn't work. I put the volume in silent and rested my phone on my stomach. My heart was pounding hard in my chest as a flash of light hit the edges of the cabinet. There was a rough voice and then the sound of a walkie talkie. Surely, this man was a security and he was trying to keep the mall safe.

"Missing phone on department,"his voice echoed. An interesting tone followed. Was he smart enough to open the cabinet? Did he really hear the phone? "Description. Samsung Galaxy with sparkly pink case and lock screen." I held in a sigh and kept listening. "Rather than that, everything is clear. Over."

"Thanks, you can go to the next department. Over."

"Be right there. Over." As soon as his footsteps were gone, I let my sigh escape, knowing that I was safe. That's until I felt another body next to me. I tried to raise my head but hit it, not having to think twice about the volume. It was obviously a small box I was in but it felt like a coffin. I was next to the devil.

"We'll have to stay here for the rest of the night so it's better of you go to sleep,"Hunter whispered in my ear. I ignored him. How did he expect me to sleep? I thought. I looked at my phone and found two missed calls plus two texts. It was Pa. I quickly replied, telling him I was fine and that I wouldn't be able to make it home. As soon as I sent it, there was an answer.

Papá: Be careful and be early in the morning. We are going to misa.

Me: Seriously?

Papá: Yes, seriously.

Me: Goodnight.

Papá: Goodnight, mija.

"That's cute,"Hunter whispered near my neck. His soft lips touching my chin. Blushing, I shrugged him away and made as much space between us as possible. It wasn't much but I managed to look the other way which was uncomfortable. Hunter must've noticed because he switched me back and let me use his chest as a pillow. "About that question I asked you-"

"Not the time,"I interrupted.

"So when is?"

"Never,"I said, insensibly.

"I broke up with Courtney for you,"he said but I knew it wasn't true. He was trying to manage two girls at the same time. I sighed and folded my hands. "I left her and I haven't talked to her ever since."

"Liar,"I mumbled. "Liar."

"Liv?"he asked and ran his fingers through my hair. "What's wrong?" I don't answer. Does he not know? He knows what's wrong. He lies. I moved my head lower to his ribs. I can feel his lungs breath. They inhale and exhale, slowly. For once, I didn't notice his intoxicating smell. For once, I forgot I was stuck in a cabinet and there was no way out.

"What is it like?"I asked him. What is like to play with a girl's heart and toss it around like a game?

"What are you taking about?"he asked but I knew better than to risk my plan. I move my head in way so I can look at him.

"What is it like to have to deal with Courtney and every other girl that you have?" His eyes are staring at mine.

"I don't know,"he mumbled but doesn't make himself weak. "It's normal, I guess."

His eyes look away as if thinking of something. I move my head again and listen to his heart as it pounds deeply. Knowing that whatever he was thinking about was causing his veins work faster. Forgetting Hunter was himself, I saw him in a different way. A way that lighten me up but I knew it wasn't a strong feeling. It was a feeling of acknowledgement. I knew he existed in my life.

"I'm bored,"I let out. He ran a hand down my cheek. "That's not necessary."

"You should sleep."

"And risk being raped by you?"I asked and added,"No, thank you."

"It's not rape if you enjoy it,"he winked. I rolled my eyes and closed them. Thinking of he's reaction, I dared myself to ask.

"Who were you thinking of when I asked you about your girls?" Curiosity was once again killing me and knowing that something was going to go wrong, I opened my eyes.

"You,"he hesitated. There was a pause of silence. He hesitated, right? Or did he want to add drama?

"I'm not your girl,"I corrected him.

"Not yet,"he said, and grinned.

"Never will be,"I said and looked at him. He smiled and helped me sit up.

"You are obviously not going to sleep,"he whispered and I shrugged.

"I sleep late,"I shrugged. He shook his head and suddenly, I turned to him. His amazingly blue eyes completely lost with my grey ones. Slowly, he leaned in like the guys in the movies. Feeling his breath with mine, I tried to not get close. Resisting his lips, I put a weak finger on them. His blue eyes opened and questioned me. Kissing it slowly, he started with me hand and I knew I had to stop him. I grabbed his face with both hands and made him look at me.

"I'm not your girl,"I reminded him but all he did was smirk.

* * *

It was 3 am and I was unable to sleep. Hunter was leaning against me, making my body feel heavier than ever. I knew it wasn't safe to get out with cameras recording every move. Fearing to go outside, I was stuck with Hunter. I shifted my body in discomfort. Hunter woke up.

"What time is it?"his sleep voice asked. Admitting to myself that it was even more amazing than his actual voice, I looked at my phone.

"3:15 am,"I answered. He sat up.

"And you haven't slept?"he asked. I shook my head and he rubbed his eyes. "Seriously? You should get some rest."

"I can't,"I whispered.

"Why? You can't go to bed without a cup of tea?"he quoted One Direction. I sighed and thought of something crazy.

"Sing,"I told him.

"What?"he asked. "I-I can't sing!"

"Fine,"I said and crossed my arms. He sighed. I rested my head on his chest and he began to sing. He started to play with my hair, soothing me. He sang Little Things which made me wonder how he knew the song. Courtney? His voice was soft and every note was on point. It wasn't the best thing but I enjoyed it. Smiling, I closed my eyes and put a hand on his chest for balance. His leg was blocking mine now which made my body feel off. I felt as his lungs became constant with his voice. Slowly, I felt my eyes finally want sleep. Hunter finished singing.

"Watching you fall asleep is one of the moments I am glad I did not miss,"he whispered in my ear.

His voice was complete and satisfied. I pretended as if I did not listen to him and kept my eyes closed. It had been a strange moment. When he kissed my cheek, I became aware that I might be safe tonight. I did not realize who he really was until I heard him speak the last phrase as I gave up to sleep.

"I have missed way too many moments."


Double update! Hope you enjoyed!

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