Chapter 29: Bad At Sports

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"One more lap around the field and you can have a 5 minute rest, girls,"our coach, Kristy, said, clapping to cheer us on. "Remember we will be having a soccer tournament with the guys so put all of your girl power."

Running the last lap with all my strength to get it over with, I finished and walked to the water fountain. Behind me, Camille waited and so did Violette. After our break, we were lined up on a white line.

"There's 44 girls. We need 4 captains. Walker, you're captain, Darlene, Haynes, and Leigh, you are also captains. Alright come to the front. If you win the rock, paper, scissors game, you'll get to pick three girls first." On the first try, we all put something different which meant we had to do it all over again. Jess Haynes lost so we battled again. Putting scissors, I won both of the captains. Mentally praising myself, I turned to face the line of girls.

Obviously, I said, "Alicia, Camille, and Violette." Walking over to me, they smiled. As the teams went, I ended up with my eleventh player as Courtney. Sighing, I saw the guys come to the field with their teams color coded. Hunter rolling his eyes as he touched the grass.

Surprisingly, Hunter Levi isn't the best at sports which means he sucks. Knowing that Hunter was with people that were okay at sports, I smiled because I knew we were going to win if we had to face off. Our team made a circle as I explained the plan. Courtney, with her hand on her hip, rolled her eyes.

"I don't think we should do that,"she said. "It sounds so complicated." The girls in my team sighed, disappointed that I ended up with Courtney in my team.

"And why should we have a simpler plan? Everyone here understands mine,"I argued, raising an eyebrow.

"Because then I would understand." Her lips pursed at the end of the sentence.

"You are defense which means you try to stop the team from getting the ball to our side,"I said and leaned forward so that she understood. She shook her head, making her bouncy ponytail follow her. "If we have a simpler plan, as you say, they'll see it coming."

"We want to be like ninjas,"Camille added and smirked. Courtney took a deep breath and gave me a fake smile.

"And why should I listen to you?"

"Because I'm the captain,"I replied, raising my voice. Our eyes battled for dominance as we stared infuriated. I put a foot forward to show I wasn't scared of her. She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, looking away from me.

"Teams, pick your name,"our coach announced. Violette spoke, interrupting the awkward silence.

"I say Ninjas,"Vi suggested.

"Interesting,"I said and smiled in satisfaction. "I like tha-"

"Hate it." Hill looked at her manicure with a raised eyebrow, peeking at the corner of her eye. With her thumb, she rubbed her forefinger and thinned her lips.

"What would you prefer?"I asked. Quickly, she answered saying, "Something more standing out."

"So now you want complicated? I don't get it,"Camille said and leaned on her hip. "Can we just choose a name. Is that so hard?"

"To end this whole thing, just name the team Walking The Hill. It has both of your last names. Sorta,"Alicia suggested. Courtney and I exchanged looks and both replied with a huge, "No!"

"How about Everdeen?"a girl asked. She was from the girl's soccer team. "We all at least liked The Hunger Games, right?" Nodding, we agreed on Everdeen which I personally loved, especially when the character is played by Jennifer Lawrence. Katniss Everdeen.

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