Chapter 20: Impressive

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Courtney Hill has been one of the most dramatic person I have ever met. For the smallest of details, she will make a complete scene. If there is something wrong with her food, she complains and doesn't touch the plate. If there's something wrong with her image, she whines until someone helps her fix it. If something doesn't go her way, she argues until it does. With plenty of experience, I have known how to deal with situations like those. Uninterested in her drama, I have been avoiding her. I'm not sure why she acts like she does. She must be a spoiled brat with her rich parents that sent her to a public school so that she could learn to live a simple life. It is obviously not working.

The floor looked chipped when it touched the walls of the school as if a cat had clawed. The lights were dimmed, making interesting shadows as I searched for the argument. Stairs followed the floor above while the following path stayed as the first floor. Staying on the hall, I examined the green lockers as they became endlessly against the walls. The windows made a ray of the sun shine into the building. Passing the light, I kept walking.

Step by step, I searched for a crowd surrounding Courtney and Africa. After finding them in one of the smallest halls, I walked through the crowd, pushing people out of the way. Seeing Africa being pushed up by Courtney reminded me of everything she had done to me. She deserved to be treated like she treats others. Chatting with each other, the crowd started to be loud. I tried telling them individually that there was nothing to see. Ignoring me, they started giving each other comments and taping everything that was happening. Annoyed, I hit a locker to get their attention. Everything went silent.

"Did any of you hear me? GET OUT OF HERE!"I yelled and everyone exchanged looks. Expecting for them to leave, I looked down as they started talking again. Courtney didn't seem to care. Instead, she yelled at Africa, telling her that she had the fault of everything. "Am I not respected around here?"

I saw Hunter at the other side. Moving through the crowd again, I got to Hunter. His eyes widen when he saw me pull him by his arm. Resisting his muscles, I took a step away from him and looked into his blue eyes. Shifting my eyes to see Courtney yelling at Africa, I sighed, knowing I had to get Hunter involved.

"You need to do something,"I mentioned, panicking because I had just seen Courtney slap Africa.

"But what?"he asked, giving me a clueless look. Unimpressed by his stupidity, I rolled my eyes.

"Go talk Courtney out of it,"I said and pointed at the crowd.

"She won't listen,"Hunter said.

"Have you tried?" His eyes shifted to the side, without saying a word. Sighing, I thought and began to walk away from Hunter. He followed me but I put a hand up to avoid him. Walking as close as I could to Africa, I stood there. At a point, a redhead bumped into me and rolled her brown eyes as she put a hand on her hips.

"Get out of here,"she told me. Ignoring her, I called for Africa.

"Africa. Don't worry,"I said, not knowing what else to say. I sighed and apologized to who ever could hear my thoughts. "Go down, cover your face, cry and wait." She did as I told her, trusting me. Then, I started chanting,"Courtney. Courtney. Courtney." Leaving the crowd to chant, I grabbed Hunter's arm and led him to the end of the hall.

"What?"he asked as I told him to go to class. He cleared his throat. "I can help." I rolled my eyes.

"Then, go to class,"I said. He crossed his arms. "Just go, please."

"No,"he said like a little boy. "I'm staying with you."

"Hunter, you are wasting time. Just go to class. In that case, you'll help me big time and you won't get in trouble." Honestly, I didn't want to get involved in anything because I knew he would talk. I didn't want to risk it. Although I was about to say the truth, part of it was going to hurt Courtney and I didn't want Hunter to be interrogated if he was with me. He isn't as good as an actor as everyone thinks. Not when it comes to reality.

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