Chapter 35: Graduation To Life

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Sorry for the super late update! I have some announcements at the end so please read them. I hope you enjoy!

"This is so stupid. It feels itchy,"I whined as I looked at myself in the mirror. A blue gown was on top of a pretty red dress that my dads made me buy. I was wearing my graduation cap with my hair down. It was kind of wavy since I had done light curls. In the mirror, I looked quite amazing but it didn't feel as great. Not only did I have to deal with the itchiness, also, I had to pretend I knew how to walk in these tall high heels.

All night I stood awake, thinking that this was it. High school was finally over but I had to begin my life in college. Although it was hard choosing the best school, I felt like I made a good decision. Since I had chosen a school in New York, I would have to adapt to a new place. I hate changes. The worst part of all is that my friends are separating. Violette is going to Stanford after all, Camille is going to France, Africa is going to UCLA and Hunter doesn't want to tell me where he was accepted to. They all promised to stay connected.

Many things changed after winter break, making me think that in less than six months things could go in different paths. For example, the situation with Hunter Levi. Change is a hard thing for me since I don't get used to it as quickly. Although, having Hunter as my best friend was something that I got used to easily. He didn't change. He simply began being himself. He's still cocky, hiding his emotions from people and not letting anyone challenge his masculinity. Yet, he is caring and understanding. He's complicated as he's always been.

"We should get going. We don't want to be late,"Pa said as he fixing out his black tux. It fit him perfectly, making him look great. Dad was also wearing a nice suit. Although he always wore them for work, he looked different. He had a wide smile and his eyes sparkled, making me feel bright. Dad grabbed his keys and we followed him. I went at the back of the car as usual.

"We are very proud of you, Liv,"Dad said before he started the car.

"Dad, I haven't even walked the stage yet,"I said and he chuckled.

"Ya, porque me van hacer llorar,"Pa said as he held back the tears. We didn't want him to start crying so we stopped. Pa looked at me and said, "You're turning another page." I nodded. Although it didn't feel different, I knew everything was going to change. Life in New York was not going to be the same. I wasn't going to have my dads next to me to fix my mistakes. I wasn't going to have my best friends. If I'm lucky, I will get new friends but I know that they won't be the same. I'll have to live in a dorm where I'll share a room with another girl, who possibly is completely different than I. I'll have to get to know her and make sure we get along.

The most exciting thing about leaving is the fact that I'm chasing my dreams. All of this will have an wonderful outcome after I finish college. I'll probably be a star before I know it which will help me get into Broadway performances and then, Hollywood movies. My dreams will finally come true. Everything will be the way I wanted it to be so why am I not happy?

After arriving to school, I quickly get out of the car and leave to the field where everyone's gathered. Before I get there, students are ordered to go inside the gym for their entrance which is in ten minutes. Immediately, I follow, having the feeling in my stomach grow. It became like a hole, asking for attention. I wanted to forget about it but it seemed as if it grew whenever I tried to ignore it. I searched for my friends but I couldn't find them in the crowd who wore identical graduation caps and gowns. It looked like a sea of lost fish.

We were given four tickets for guests that were invited to graduation. I had to chose my people wisely. Obviously, Pa and dad got one each which left me with two. It took me less than two minutes to decide to give them to Mariana, my biological mother, and Africa. I knew Hunter was going to ask her so I won him as I do with everything else. Africa ended up accepting mine and rejecting Hunter's without giving him a reason. Having people I care about makes me feel glad and loved even if I've never had a boyfriend. I'm not worried about that, though, because I am for sure going to get one in college.

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