Chapter 33: Prom-ise

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I'm so sorry for the late update! I hope you enjoy :) On the next update, I'll have important news so please stay tuned!

Wearing a white dress, I came down the stairs to see Hunter already at the door. I played with the strap of the small purse across my body. I let the strands that framed my face bounce as I took each step. Hunter smiled, stupidly. My dads were flashing their cameras my way. I smiled and when I got to the last step, they quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me towards Hunter. They started to become paparazzis. I felt Hunter's lips close to my ear as he whispered, "You look beautiful."

Camille had helped me put together an appropriate outfit for the occasion. I had to admit she did a very well job. It was like she had magic under her sleeve. Along with the white dress, I was wearing black closed heels and a simple bracelet. My make up was light except for the smokey eyes she perfected. She ended up deciding to put my hair in a bun with loose strands. Honestly, she had didn't have any ideas but when she got started, it felt like she knew exactly what to do. I believe she has talent as if it's a gift.

After we got away from Pa and dad, Hunter and I walked to his car. He opened the door for me and then he went in on the other side. He looked handsome. His hair was somewhat back and he was wearing a nice tuxedo. His eyes glanced up to me as he started the car. I smiled, sweetly and honestly. He gave me his signature smirk.

"You look nice,"I mumbled but he heard me.

"Thanks. I tried,"he said and rose an eyebrow. "You must've too."

"Yeah, it's a very,"I paused, trying to find the word, "special night."

"Interesting,"he said. A small smile formed on his lips as he began to drive. The whole ride to school seemed to be a blur. Mostly because the speed Hunter was going at was frightening. I had to dig my nails into his seat. We didn't talk except on the red lights which weren't many. When we got to school, he quickly got out and before I knew it, he opened the door for me. By the time we were heading to the gym, he had opened at minimum three doors.

The gym was mostly dark except for a lighten path all the way in the corner in where couples take pictures. There was a light at another corner but it was very faint. The lights that conquered everything were the colored ones. They moved to the beat of the music. Students were already dancing and laughing as if it was the best thing ever. Three posters were hung behind the DJ. All of them were a picture of the candidate running for prom queen: one of them being Camille. Decorations hung on every part of the ceiling. They were mostly stars that seemed to represent night. A beautiful night, I thought as I finished looking around.

As soon as girls saw Hunter in a tux, they came towards us like mosquitoes attracted to light. It was a natural thing. The girls near him sighed, not bothering to look at me. Some did look at me and they even smiled, telling me how lucky I was to be going out with such a hottie. I would usually answer, "We're not going out." Although Hunter seemed not to care about any other girl, I knew he did since they were a lot prettier than me.
When I spotted Camille and Violette, I grabbed Hunter's risk and jogged towards them. The thing is it's really hard to jog with heels so the moment I stepped on my dress. I fell down and hit the floor. My stomach was feeling the cold of the floor while my back felt a heavy weight. Since I was holding Hunter, my grip was tight enough to pull him down with me. He was on top of me. Everyone seemed to noticed and most of them laughed.

"I like this position,"Hunter whispered in my ear and chuckled. He put his hands on the floor to be in push up position then he stood up. I turned to sit then grabbed Hunter's hand and stood up. I brushed off the small dirt that was on my dress and then fixed it. "Are you hurt?"

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