Chapter 25: Unexpected

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My fingers began to turn on and off the light so that the lovely couple was warned of my presence. Mentally telling my bladder to hold on, I crossed my legs and leaned on the doorframe. The couple turned to look at me from the wall they were pushed to. I chuckled a little but not enough to have unnecessary liquid come out of me.

"I can't believe this,"I said. "Camille and Austin hooking up."

"It's exactly what it looks like,"Camille's French accent said. "Don't worry. We'll use condoms."

"Shut up,"I yelled, playfully. "I don't want to hear it."

"Kid, you have to understand it was just the moment,"Austin began to explain. I rolled my eyes.

"You're cute together. Just wait until Violette finds out,"I teased. They exchanged looks. "Get out of the bathroom. I need to use it." They left holding hands and Austin giving me a wink.

I closed the door and locked it. Staring at the toilet and remembering what they were doing, I took a step away. I examined the sink that was amazingly white. The beige walls were carefully painted and the marble floor matched the image. The curtains were simply blue with a design at the bottom that signed them. There was a bowl of sea shells of all kinds located in a table that contained towels as if it were a hotel. Also, it had fancy soap precisely placed so that it looked nice. Not to mention, there was a full length mirror on one of the walls. Feeling watched, I decided that I didn't need to use the bathroom that badly. Walking out, I headed towards Violette but was stopped by Hunter.

"Hey, babe,"he said, trying to find equilibrium. His breath stank of alcohol yet he still held a bottle. Rolling my eyes, I walked passed him. "Liv, look at me. I just wanna talk."

"You're drunk, Hunter,"I yelled so that he could hear me over the music. His blue eyes became visible in the dark. His white shirt and leather jacket toned his body. Ignoring the fact that I was staring at him, he smirked and took a drink of his beer.

"Let's dance then,"he suggested. I extended a hand that stopped him from grabbing me. I shook my head but somehow, I ended up held by him with one arm. The other still carrying the bottle and spilling it. He swiftly moved our bodies to the music.

"Hunter, you stink,"I said. He shrugged.

"It's not that bad. Look, everyone's drunk and hooking up. Why don't we do the same?"

"Because I'm not drunk,"I inform and push him away. With the corner of my eye, I could see Courtney watching. I put a hand on his cheek and look into his eyes. "Hunter, look at me, you are drunk and you are acting very stupid right now."

"I'm not acting stupid. I'm acting with my heart,"he said. Pursuing my lips, I glance over at Courtney who is holding a real beer now.

"No, the alcohol is controlling you using the switching on of unnecessary neurotransmitters for example dopamine that make certain emotions. Now, since alcohol is a depressant, you will not be feeling this way after a while." He gave me a confused look. His blue eyes still eyeing me. "We learned this in biology."

"I like when you talk sciency,"he said and pulled me in close to him. I turned my head to avoid his breath.

"Sciency is not a word,"I mentioned and removed his hand. "Anyway, I need to go with Violette." Escaping, I walked as far away as I could. Pushing passed couples, my heart began to race. Why was I the only one not having fun? And the only one that needed to pee?

Looking for a purple dress and white heels, I started to walk outside. Finding what I was searching for, I went up to her and tapped her dancing shoulder.

"Vi!"I yelled but it was a mistake. When the girl turned, I realized it was not Violette. Apologizing, I returned to my prospect. Most of the girls had taken their heels off of exhaustion but unlike them, I wasn't tired. Crossing my arms, I noticed that I got hiccups. Speeding back to the counter, I grabbed a water bottle and took huge gulps. Not wanting any more water, I left it on the table and dragged my feet to Violette who was dancing with Alexis and Alex. Jumping around, they laughed and shook their heads to the song. Stomping my feet over there, I gave Vi a look.

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