Chapter 11: Supermarket

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I was sitting in the back of the car with my arms closed. Dad was managing the wheel of the car while Pa reviewed the shopping list in his hands. I had earphones on with the music blasting in my ears. Being a Saturday, I did not expect to have to go to the supermarket but Pa insisted that he wanted to recreate an old family dish. Forced to go, I was stuck with a seatbelt across my body and looking out at the passing streets. At a particular streets, there was one woman standing for each corner. They wore short clothes and had the brightest makeup. Another thing I noticed was they all had high heels of different colors. As dad reached the grocery store, Pa smiled and bragged about the dish.

I followed Pa's footsteps as he walked around to find the right vegetables and fruits. Dad, on the other hand, volunteered to pick out the drinks. As Pa got closer to a small part of the store full of bread, the scent became irresistible to my nose. Unlike Hunter's cologne, the smell of food was pleasing.

Purposefully, I got closer to admire the piece of art. As my eyes wandered, they found an interesting sign. Next to the cashier, there was a plate full of deliciously baked bread, waiting to be eaten by someone. Being a free sample, I grabbed one and quickly walked away. I tried to savor every part of the bread. Interested in the flavor, I walked back and took another one. Either way, they were still free as the sign read.

I reached for the third piece when I heard my phone ring. Startled, I jumped and let go of the bread. I pulled out my phone and discretely, I held the piece of bread. It was Alexis. I put the bread in my mouth and started chewing. I looked up from my phone to see Pa putting carrots in a bag. I looked back down at my phone and walked towards Pa.


Update: Hunter is in a serious diarrhea issue. He can't stop going to the bathroom. :( What did you do to him? Lol

I replied after reading the message twice to make I understood.


He just ate 4 fries. I didn't think it was that effective.


Well, it was effective. Also, Courtney is planning to prank you when she comes back from school. Hunter will save you and he'll seem as a "hero."


When will this be?


A week after she comes back I believe


Thanks for the update :)

I looked up to see faces of strangers. Pa wasn't in sight which gave me a small heart attack. This supermarket wasn't big but he could have been anywhere. I walked around the store, looking through aisles for Pa or dad. My steps were faster as I made the second turn. People were starting to look at me like I was weird. A seventeen year old lost at a supermarket.

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