Chapter 9: Record My Destination

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The scent of the beach was closer than ever. The breeze brought the smell that became stronger as we stayed. Being fresh, we didn't dare to move from our spots. Not only was the beach brought to us, but also the delicious visualization of ice cream. Since the ice cream shop was right in front of us, we decided to get some as a reward after our job was done. Our nontropical clothes were covered us from the small wind. This meant the cold hit our faces, making them feel frozen. Violette, Camille, and I were sitting on a bench, craving ice cream.

With one headphone in my ear, I listened closely to a conversation. Two voices talking back and forth. They mentioned my name several times. I unraveled every word in my ear so I didn't miss a thing.

"Well, we haven't told you this, Alexis, but I told Hunter to make Liv fall in love and then break her heart into a million pieces. We have to start slow," Courtney's voice starts. Every word desiring my death. "I asked Hunter to ask Liv out for dinner."

"Where to?" Alexis asked. Her voice was louder than Courtney's.

"Remember when Hunter took me to that new restaurant?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah," Alexis replied.

"There," Courtney said. I could feel her lips form a smile. "Anyways, Liv has to say yes."

"Yeah, she'll fall for it," Alexis said.

"She won't even see it coming. With Hunter's charm, she'll fall and get sick while doing it," Courtney said. "Liv shouldn't have messed with me."

"I agree," Alexis said and the recording ended. I looked at Camille.

"Call Alexis," I ordered. She nodded. "Vi get your phone ready to search up anything we'll need." Camille called Alexis and by the third ring, she picked up. She put her in speaker.

"Hello?" Alexis soft voice asked. I sighed.

"Hey, it's Camille," Cami answered. She concentrated on the floor rather than on her phone.

"Oh, hey," she said.

"Is it clear?" Cami asked her.

"It's clear. What's up?" Alexis' voice seemed fragile. I looked over at Vi for an explanation. She shrugged.

"We just need the name of the restaurant that Hunter is taking Liv to," Camille said.

"I believe it was America's Best. It's near Main Street," Alexis informed.

"Anything else we should know?"

"Absolutely. The reason they chose that restaurant is because of the diarrhea that hit both Courtney and Hunter after they ate some fries. They didn't go to school for two days. People rumored it was because they were at Courtney's beach house having an amazing time," Alexis said. "Clearly fake in my opinion!"

"Oh," Camille, Violette, and I said at the same time.

"Quick advice, Livvy dear, don't eat any of the food," Alexis warned. "Especially the fries." Pretending to not hear her call me 'Livvy dear,' I leaned into Cami's phone.

"Got it, Alexis. Thanks for everything," I said and looked at the girls.

"Anytime," she said. Her voice sounding very down. She cleared her throat and then coughed. "Sorry, Alex broke up with me, yesterday."

Alexis and Alex have been dating for two years. We would call them The Alexes which was completely hilarious back in Sophomore year. Now, in Senior year, it was normal. The Alexes have been the most envied relationship. I assume that Courtney had to do with it. The fact that she called Alexis out for hitting on Hunter must've opened Alex's eyes to reality. I feel like Alexis is misunderstood and she did not mean anything to do with Hunted Levi. I kind of felt bad for her because I could see the way she looked at Alex. She was in love with him.

"I'm sorry," was all I could say. "I will do whatever I can to help you get back with him if you want."

"I'll love that. Thanks, Livvy dear," she said. I smiled because she couldn't see me and I was not weak at the moment. I looked over at Vi, who had the restaurant on her phone. I nodded at her and she took a screenshot of the directions.

Cami and Alexis started talking while Vi and I came up with a plan to ditch the food. Although it was not the best, we decided that I would just have to improvise if it didn't work. With almost 6 years of drama and performing, I knew I was ready for a challenge like this. It had been working so far. Violette was a complete genius which meant that we made the perfect team when it came to creating plans. Camille was social and aware which gave us a great advantage when it came to the actual plan.

I remember the first time we had to work together and take action. It was during summer and we were trying to get into a country club. Obviously, Camille had been there before with Courtney, but we wanted the luxury as well. Since Camille had already been there before, she was the one to take along with the plan. Cami was able to give us a makeover and Violette cooperated with the way we would pay for what we ordered. I used my acting skills to pretend to be Courtney Hill. I must've been believable because the woman on the front desk didn't ask for any ID. We spent dollars on service and it was enjoyable. Unfortunately, Courtney Hill showed up which meant we had to escape from a gate near the pool. It was completely epic.

"So are you going to go get that ice cream? I have AP Calculus homework," I mentioned and looked at Vi. "Mr. Brown left us a lot today."

"You two and your AP classes. The only AP class I'm taking is AP Physical Ed," Camille said and stuck out her tongue.

"That isn't even a thing," I said.

"Exactly!" Camille exclaimed.

"Yeah, Liv is right, about the ice cream part not that physical ed isn't an AP class which it isn't. I appreciate your fashionable brain, Camille," Violette said and stood up.

"Well, Violin," Camille said and Vi rolled her eyes, "I appreciate your love."

We walked to the door of the ice cream shop and I opened it for each one of my friends. Camille and Violette ordered before me since they already had their money on hand. Unlike me, I was unable to find mine. I bit my lip nervously and searched through every single one of my pockets. Without any luck, I had nothing else to do then to ask my best friends for money. Cami had extra money which she handed to me. Selflessly, I ordered a sugar cone with one scoop of cookies and cream. I paid the lady and gave Cami her change. She smiled and we sat in a booth.

"Cheers!" we said as we touched our cones together. "For Mission Ahead of Their Game!"

"Good luck, warrior," Violette said to me as she licked her ice cream.

"Ils ne verront pas venir," Camille said in French.

"I took a year of French, Cami and obviously, AP Spanish won't help me with a translation. I don't know what that means," I said.

"They won't see it coming," Camille translated.

I licked my ice cream. The creamy goodness took over my taste buds. The cold froze my warm insides which made me crave even more. I took another lick. I knew I had to make every lick count. This ice cream was not going to last but I had to make the best of it. I put a hand in my right pocket. Feeling a thickness near my fingers, I grabbed whatever was in my pockets. Slowly, I took out green paper. I sighed.

"Cami, guess what?" I laughed. She shook her head when I showed her the dollar bills.

"Oh, Liv," Vi and Cami harmonized.

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