Chapter 24: Awkward Party

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Asking myself if I were normal for not wearing a dress to my best friend's party, I looked down at my outfit. Shrugging, I began to brush my hair slowly and put it up into a high ponytail. My straight hair landed on my shoulder easily. With simple makeup involving only eyeliner and mascara, I finished. I never been to an actual teenage party. The only parties I've been in involved me sitting in a chair with a plate filled with food, candy by my side, and no one that looked my age. Bored, I would have my phone out for most of the partying. Not only that but when everyone else was dancing, Pa would always tell me to go dance with him. Embarrassed, I would quickly deny and head to the bathroom.

With black jeans, a sleeveless loose top, a leather jacket, and all black ankle Converse, I walked out of my room. I went down to the living room, trying to fit my phone in my pocket. Looking for Pa and Dad, I went into the kitchen. Dad was cooking something but Pa wasn't in there either.

"Hey,"I said.

"That's my girl! Who needs a dress for a party?"Dad said in amusement as he stir a pot of vegetables. I grabbed a piece of carrot from a plate. Putting the orange thing in my mouth, I chewed and swallowed. "Want a plate?"

"Nope, I'm okay. I'll get stuffed with alcohol later,"I joked.

"You better not,"Pa said, coming from behind me. "I will not open the door to a drunk daughter."


"Who's picking you up?"

"Violette,"I answered. There was a knock on the door. I jumped to the living room and opened the door. To my surprise, Violette was not alone. "Austin? Hey." I hugged Austin and Vi. This was the second teenage boy that is not in part of my family that comes knocking at my door.

Austin Nelson was Violette's older genius brother. I've seen him only a couple of times. With only nineteen years old, he travels the country every semester to get the best of education. His green eyes looked at me with a smile. He was taller than me and his posture was perfect. Wearing his contacts, he looked better looking than with his glasses on. He wore black jeans and a button up shirt.

"Hey, Liv,"Austin said.


"I'll be your driver for tonight,"he mentioned,"because she is afraid of driving over night." I laughed.

"Bye, dads!" I closed the door and walked to the car. Opening the door for me, I got into the back of the car.

"Ready to have fun?"Violette yelled.

"Sure,"I said sarcastically. "So Austin are you going to dance or just babysit Vi?"

"A little of both,"he said and looked at me through the mirror.

"What city did you come from?"

"Madrid,"he said. "It was beautiful."

"Is it-"

"Enough questions,"Violette said as Austin chuckled. After a couple of minutes, we were at Camille's house. Although it was only one floor, the backyard was huge, meaning most people would be hanging out there. We headed inside. Bodies were dancing and drinking soda. Music blasted from speakers, making my ears hurt. Some couples were grinding on each other. Disgusted, I started making my way to Cami who was drinking a cup of soda.

"Liv, we could do that,"Austin joked. I laughed and pushed him slightly.

"She's my best friend, you perve,"Violette defended. He shrugged.

"I'm just playing,"he said and gave me a silly look. I returned the look. Camille walked to us and hugged us. She looked at Austin. Turning to me, she whispered.

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