Chapter 18: Script

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I was in front row, reviewing the lines that I had the most trouble with. Hunter sat next to me, reading his out loud. I gave him a playful slap on the shoulder, making him smirk. I looked down at my script and then, turned to face the director who was speaking. Hunter put his hand on mine. I moved it and crossed my legs.

"Any questions or comments?"the director asked. My hand shot right up.

"Can we delete the kissing scene? I feel like it's inappropriate to the audience, including children, and disrespectful towards me." The director, Ms. Becky, gave me a confused look.

"We'll deal with that later,"she announced. "Anything else?"

"Yes,"Hunter said as he raised his hand. "I was wondering if any props are needed? If so, I would be able to help with the money." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, why thank you, Hunter. I'll keep your offer in mind." Hunter smirked and shifted his eyes towards me.

"Why did you give the lead role to Hunter?"

"The same reason I gave the lead role to you, Liv."

"He is his first time to be in a play."

"Well then, you should support his new interest, Liv. I must remind you that you also had a first day." I sighed, annoyingly.

We went to the stage and we started rehearsing. In the beginning, Hunter and I would argue a lot but after Ms. Becky told us to behave like adults so we don't get kicked out, we started to settle. He was focused on remembering his lines while I waited for him. I knew his lines. Sometimes, I would mumble them or give him small clues. He caught in quickly. At the end of rehearsal, Ms. Becky spoke.

"Amazing rehearsal. Everyone keep practicing. We still have time,"she said and dismissed us. I sighed and grabbed my backpack.

"According to the script, you say yes to the ride I'm about to offer,"Hunter says as he catches up to me.

"Well, according to my version, it says my dad is picking me up,"I said and raised an eyebrow.

"The nice one?"

"Nope, the other one,"I said, emotionless. He pressed his lips together and laughed.

"The ride is still in offer,"he said and I twisted my lips, as if I was thinking.

"Alright then,"I agreed and a smile built in his face.

"Perfect,"he said and walked in front of me to open the door. I thanked him and walked to the parking lot. "Do you want to get something before I drop you off?"

"No, I'm good,"I said after he got in the car. He nodded and turned it on. My phone vibrated and I looked at it. Camille.


Your family is going camping this weekend, right? Invite Hunter to go!

I swallowed hard after reading the message. We had this camping trip planned with my family since last week. If I were to invite Hunter, everything would be different and I don't get used to difference. Most importantly, Hunter would ruin everything.

I looked over at Hunter who stopped at a red light. One arm rested on the edge of the rolled down window while the other one was lazily placed on the wheel. He looked at the side mirror and smiled as a red car passed his way. Two girls were in the car and they giggled as he smirked their way. I rolled my eyes and fix my hair. Honestly, I didn't care but then, the image of Africa came to mind.

When they were going out, Hunter was attentive outside of school. He would take her places and I even heard he cooked for her. At school, from what I saw, he would pass by her and all he would do was smile. She would pretend to smile and not care. Most of the time, that smile was weak and full of disappointment. During passing periods, he would take her to class and hold her hand. He seemed so happy. Then, Courtney came into the picture. From what I heard, Africa broke up with Hunter because he had been cheating with Courtney. She was hurt. Hunter tried talking to her. She didn't listen. He was quiet, allowing Courtney to sooth him. She took advantage of his weakness. He learned to live without her.

"Hunter?"I asked after the girls left. He lifted his eyebrows, still looking out on the road. I smiled. "My family is having a camping trip this weekend. I was wondering if you would join us?" I gulped down everything I felt.

"It sounds interesting,"he said and shifted his blue eyes toward me. "I'm in." I pretended to smacked my lips. I was hoping for him to be busy. I gave him a weak smile.

"Awesome,"I read from the script I was given. "I'm glad you are going. I would have been lonely." I'm such an amazing actress.

"And we don't want that,"he smiled. I nodded. "I'll call you later this week for more information."

"Okay,"I said. I had forgotten he had my number. He parked in front of my house. "Thanks." He opened the door for me and walked me to the doorway. I opened the door. Pa came out.

"Hunter! Oh, this is such a surprise. Would like to stay for dinner?"

"I would love to but unfortunately, I need to get packing for that camping trip,"he winked. Pa lighten up.

"I am so glad you invited him, Liv,"he said and put an arm around me. The house started to smell like burnt. Pa widen his eyes. "I need to go! I attempted to cook without a recipe." He ran.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow,"I said. He nodded and gave me a hug. With his breath on my neck, he whispered.

"Yeah, I'll see you." I pulled away and closed the door. I can't believe I invited him.

After I stepped into my room, I felt my phone vibrate. Without checking the ID, I picked up.


"I couldn't wait to hear your voice,"Hunter said. I opened the window to make sure he had left. He was standing outside, waving. I waved back, awkwardly. He sent a kiss and I caught it, discretely wiping it on my curtain. "See you later, beautiful." He started to walk back to his car and I let myself be out of sight.

"Alright,"I replied and hung up. I threw my phone on my bed and rolled my eyes. As I did my homework, I listened to music blocking everything around me except for the knick on my bedroom.

Pa walked in without my permission and sat on my bed. He had a huge smile on his face and his eyes sparkled.

"So Hunter?"he started. I rolled my eyes.

"I accidentally brought the camping trip up and it felt wrong not to invite him,"I lied. He nodded.

"I was going to invite him anyway,"he said.

"What about dad?"

"What about Drew?"

"Isn't he going to, you know, freak-"

"I'll make sure doesn't,"Pa assured. "Now, for the reason I came here, the food is black and covered in ashes so I think we are going out tonight. We should be glad Hunter didn't stay. What an embarrassment!"

"Right,"I replied, sarcastically. Dad leaned on the doorway, listening to the last part of our conversation.

"Hunter? As in that guy that is dating Liv?"

"No! I am not dating Hunter. We are nothing except for the fact that I feel bad for him." That I know about his secret and he is trying so hard. Blah, blah, blah.

Pa rolled his eyes at my words while dad smirked in satisfaction. He was wearing his usual suit.

"Just be careful with him and don't fall for anything he does,"my dad warned. Something I already knew about Hunter.

"Tu padre tiene razon,"Pa said and I nodded. I know dad is right. Pa didn't have to tell me.

"I know. I promise I won't fall for him,"I said. "Now, about going out to eat. I vote for Chinese food."

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