Chapter 23: Fair Ride

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Wearing a blue dress that landed just above my knees and white flats, I looked in the mirror. My hair was damp from the shower I had taken while my face had absolutely no makeup. Putting my hair into a high half ponytail with curls, I placed a bow on top. I walked down the stairs to find Mariana waiting for me. Her beautiful gray eyes outlined with a black eyeliner and mascara making her eyelashes have volume. She smiled as she held her keys.

"Me la cuidas,"Pa said. Take care of her.

"Te lo aseguro,"Mariana assured. "Es mi hija." I am her daughter after all. We went into her car and drove to Violette's house. She was kind enough to let me bring along some friends. As the only two girls I hang out with, I obviously picked Vi and Camille.

Music enlightened the scene, making children run to different rides and beg their parents to buy the craziest of foods. Serious parents stand in front of the machines, waiting for their children to get out while those parents with an inner child take advantage of the fun. Eating cotton candy, younger kids walk alongside of their parents, interested more in the colors of the fluff. Their cute big eyes widen as the cotton magically melts in their mouth the moment it hits saliva. Couples walked, holding hands, throughout the fair with only excitement about being together. Those with a fun relationship enjoy going on the rollercoaster as they hold hands and yell. Those that are less adventurous only ride the ferris wheel and talk about different subjects. Then, there are the friends who are laughing for absolutely no reason while they enjoy a drink.

"Can I get tickets for the rides?"I heard Mariana ask the person at the window. Camille looked at me with her long eyelashes as she smiled. Violette cleaned her glasses.

"Why did you bring those, nerd? You don't even use them that much,"Cami asked. Violette shrugged and put on her glasses.

"I forgot to put on my contacts and I was already late,"she replied.

"You still look pretty,"I assured. Vi gave me a ridiculous smile.

Camille had her hair curled and showing her shaved side. A small strand of hair was dyed pink. Wearing a slim black dress, her body seemed defined. Her wedges made her seem taller. Red lipstick kissed her lips while her eyes were bold with a dark eyeliner. She wore a cross body purse.

Violette was wearing leather jeans that reached to her belly button. Her long sleeve cropped shirt made only a small amount of skin show. She also wore brown construction boots. Her hair was in a high bumped up ponytail. Her face was completely natural.

"Take those out,"Camille said as she grabbed Violette's glasses and placed them inside of her purse. "Way better."

"Now, my eyes aren't focused,"Violette whined. "But whatever."

"Alright, what ride do you want to go to first?"

"Rollercoaster,"Camille and I yelled. Vi shrugged.

"It's not like I can see anything,"she whined. We lined up. "So how was the whole camping trip?"

"Details please,"Cami said.

"Well, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I denied, making up a story about how I've been hurt before b-"

"That's impossible. You haven't even had a boyfriend yet which means no first kiss, no first time, no first love,"Violette said.

"And you have?"

"Well, a boyfriend but I didn't actually like him,"Vi said and looked down, ashamed. "Anyways, keep going."

"So I faked a whole scene and whatever. Then, we went star watching and he sang to me. When we tried to go back to the campsite, we got lost. No more details about what happened,"I said. I didn't want my friends to laugh at me for all the clumsy things I did.

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