Chapter 32: Not Sure

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Standing in a crowded hall, I opened my mouth to talk, but the words didn't come out. I cleared my throat , hoping that everyone left. Eyes were staring at me, trying to figure out what I would say. But the eyes that were waiting for the response the most were blue and also happened to belong to Hunter Levi.

In the beginning of the high school, I never would've imagined myself talking to Hunter, especially not be put in this position. In freshman year, all I thought about was Violette, my grades, and how hot celebrities were. Never did the thought of having an actual guy kneeling down asking to prom cross my mind. I did think of prom. Yes, I also thought about not going to prom. The thing is a guy and me going to prom was a complete no. I always thought that, if I went to prom, I would go with Violette.

As a matter of fact, I never even thought I would befriend Camille Benoit. I never thought that Courtney Hill and I would get into this huge thing nor that she would be suspended because I caused it. I never thought Hunter would pretend to like me to please Courtney. Or that he would actually like me. I couldn't imagine having all these memories with him or that I would actually see him wake up. Anything that happened was all things I thought were impossible. Yet here I am, standing in front of the best locker in the school with the hottest guy kneeling down asking me to go to the biggest event in one's entire high school life, prom.

"Uh," was all I managed to say. His blue eyes were still staring, hoping the answer was yes. "I guess." That wasn't enough for him. "Yes." He stood up and gave me the warmest hug. Everyone shouted 'ah' and 'oh.' Others just walked away.

"I'm so glad you said yes,"he said. I could feel his breath on my neck. I got chills down my spine, preventing thoughts to run smoothly inside my head. He pulled away and leaned in to kiss me but I turned my head. He just planted a kiss on my cheek.

Camille warned me that prom was when Courtney was going to strike since she was "cliche." She was pull out of her arms out, seeing I'm defenseless, and shoot me. Violette knows that wouldn't happen and that even if she did "shoot," I wouldn't die. Exactly at the moment when I was about to ask her how she knew, she replied by saying that I'm prepared and she had a plan. Camille was the only predicting what Courtney was going to do.

"Pour fruit punch all over your dress, mess up your make up, embarrass you in any other way, or-,"she paused for a split second, "kiss Hunter." I laughed. How would that even affect me? I don't even like him.

"I still need to get him to Africa that same night,"I whined. I really didn't like realistic drama. I had no idea how to realistically deal with it. Why is reality so complicated?

After school, Hunter caught up with me and asked me to go get dinner with him. I denied. He insisted but I used the excuse of having too much homework. He sighed and shrugged, avoiding eye contact with me. From the reflection in his eye, I could see Courtney's face.

"Courtney told me that she has been threatening you,"I said, smoothly. He didn't talk. "She said that if you don't return to her, your father loses his job." His eyes didn't move from her. They became cold and distant. I took a safe step back and rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah,"he said without emotion. "She has."

"Don't be scared. There's a saying in Spanish that goes perro que ladra, no muerde. In English, it translates to dog that barks doesn't bite. That Courtney. She can threaten you all she wants but I promise that your father will not get fired."

"How do you know? Maybe that dog bite,"Hunter yelled and looked at me. He leaned forward and it stayed silent. Because I went to his office dresses as her and to prevent him from getting fired, I thought. "I'm sorry." His eyes lowered.

"I get it but I know a lot of things you don't. If you really trust me, then don't go back to Courtney,"I said, calmly.

"So you love me?" His face changed from being serious to flirty like the Hunter I knew before any of this situation. I couldn't help but smile because he hadn't changed. "Is that a yes?"

"No,"I said. "I've never fell in love before."

"But you said that you were heartbroken,"he said and rose an eyebrow. I didn't reply. "You lied?"

"No,"I said, almost to quickly. "I was heartbroken because I liked someone not necessary loved." I had to lie. I haven't heartbroken yet.

"Oh,"he managed to say. I shrugged and followed dad's car as it made it's way toward me. "Bye."

"Bye,"I said and went inside the car. I didn't bother look outside the window. All I did was stare forward until dad said hi. I replied back. He asked how was school and I replied, "I have a prom date."

"Hunter,"he guessed even though it was pretty obvious. I nodded. "You don't seem so excited."

"I'm not,"I said. "He's a good guy, flirty and a player, but a good guy."

"What's wrong?"dad asked me as he stopped at a red light. He gave me a quick glance and then pressed lips together, waiting for me to tell him.

"I don't like him but he seems to like me. The thing is he actually likes another girl but he is simply confused. Do you know what I'm saying?"I asked as I turned to him. He nodded. At that moment, all I wanted to do was talk so I told him everything, from beginning to end without stopping. He didn't react to anything, just listened. I felt so relieved after I told him. My heart was pumping normally and my breathing was back to its involuntary ways. At first, I feared of what he would think but after a while, it felt like it was the correct decision.

"That's completely high school drama. Courtney is some girl. I'm telling you. Here's the thing I don't get: how do you know Hunter likes another girl? Because of the letter that he gave her a long time ago? When you have a crush- let's say on that guy, Zac Efron- do you think you'll love him forever? Can't you change your mind?"

"Yes, but I just know he still likes her from all those times I've been with Hunter,"I said. "It's obvious to me."

"Just remember something. Guys are confusing but some of the most complicated questions have a simple answer. Maybe, Hunter is those kinds of questions." This kept me thinking of it. My mind replayed all those times that I ever had with Hunter Levi. The fact that it all started with revenge. The fact that he was just another victim of what Courtney and I have. We were both serpents in a way. Although one was more evil than another one, we kept fighting. That wasn't the way things were going to end unless someone dies.

* * *
Camille opened her door almost immediately. Her eyes widen at the sight of me. She hugged me and let me in. She offered a drink but I denied. We went to her room. Her room had posters everywhere. Her light pink walls illuminated her room. On the right wall, there was a large Eiffel tower painted. Her bed was extremely big along with her closet.

"What's up?"she asked.

"I need to get a dress for prom and you, my darling, are my only hope."

"Got it,"she said and put her hair up into a ponytail. She grabbed her wallet and keys then left the room. I stood there in the middle of her room Stoll admiring it. "Liv? Let's go." I snapped out of it.

"Right. Also, we need to complete another part of Mission After,"I said and followed her to her car. On the way, I called Africa who met is at the mall. Mission After was going like planned. The next step was to convince Africa to forgive Hunter.

I told her about the threats and how he risked all of that, even though it wasn't true, to be with her. Also, I let her know about every single time he had thought of her. I showed her the letter and she read it. I even returned her necklace. She teared up but I didn't let her cry. Persuading her was hard but that is exactly what I did. The only problem was I had doubt of what Hunter was feeling. I wasn't sure if he would want her back.

At that moment, I wasn't sure of many things. I didn't even understand why I picked out the dress I did. Maybe it was because Camille had fangirled over it or maybe it was because I didn't care anymore. All I wanted was everything to be over. I kept repeating it over and over again that it'll soon be.

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