Chapter 30: Truth Or Tell

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I've decided to change some minor things like Camille's birthday. It might not be changed yet and I'm sorry. Also, I am planning on editing soon. Sorry for the late update! I was sorting things out!

"No, you ask,"I said to Violette.

"No, you have to ask,"she said back.

"You're kidding. You ask,"I said.

"Oh come on. Just ask." Violette gave me puppy eyes. Camille sighed and took a step forward.

"Excuse me, can we get some napkins?"Cami asked the cashier, who was actually kind of cute. He gave her the napkins with a smile and we went to seat down at a booth. Camille rolled her eyes at us and chuckled.

The burger place we were at was big. There were huge windows that let us see the city in front of us. Cars passed us with hurry and people walked, looking through the window. The walls were half way filled with small squares. It smelled like any other burger would smell like. The scent just made me more hungry.

I thought about everything Hunter had done and all the adventures that we had. I'm going to admit that now that I look back, I had fun. I mean I still have the memory of a small bruise on my forehead after I hit my head with that tree but it wasn't that bad. I also thought about the times that he had thought of Africa. It wasn't as much but there were certain parts in where I recalled. Finally, I thought about the time in the party. He said he trusted me even though I had done nothing but lied to him. Was that the real Hunter? Blinded by everything that goes around him? Blinded by everything he has in his head?

I looked down at my burger, reflecting in everything that had happened. It was as if the bun was playing a tape of my life. Then, I thought about Courtney. She had done the most cruel things in the past years yet she wasn't an evil person. She was just naturally mean. She was naturally spoiled even though her parents sent her to a public school to be more humble. It obviously didn't work.

"Are you going to eat that?"Camille asked me before she took a bite out of hers. I shifted my eyes to her.

"Yeah,"I replied. "I was just thinking."

"If it's about Mission After-"

"No,"I interrupted, "I'm thinking about all the other people. Hunter, Courtney, you know."

"What about them?"

"Do we really want to do this? I mean, mess with their lives even though they haven't asked us to?"

"Well, you do have a point,"Violette jumped in and put a French fry in her mouth. I took the first bite out of my burger. Chewing slowly, I looked at Camille.

"Does this mean you are rethinking about Hunter?"she asked. I swallowed then gave a small chuckle.

"Of course not,"I said. I put a fry in my mouth and enjoyed the taste.

"Then, it won't hurt to try,"Camille assured and smiled. I did, too.

After we finished eating, we sat in silence just staring at each other. Violette suggested that I called Africa and ask her about the things that we found in her locker. We agreed. I pulled out my phone slowly, trying to think of what I was going to say. I began to look for her in my contacts and then I called her. Waiting for her to pick up, I shifted my eyes between Violette and Camille. After two rings, she picked up.

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