Chapter 31: Not Like That

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Her hazel eyes stared at me with complete confusion. A perfectly arched eyebrow rose as she shifted her eyes awkwardly. Her pink glossy lips her parted to show her emotion, making her look even more paranoid by me. Clearing her throat, she put a hand on her hip. Her other hand was up on her hair. Her eyes were still on me. I felt like such an idiot when she began to laugh. Her laugh was so loud and weird that I completely thought someone else was laughing for her. She gasped for air a couple of times and for a second, she stopped. I was opening my mouth when she started again. This time she snorted. When she caught what she had done, she covered her mouth with both of her hands. I could see her beautiful manicure and the fake light pink nails.

This time a giggle slipped from my mouth. She gave me a harsh look, telling me her snorting wasn't funny. It was as if she was supposed to be perfect. But she wasn't. No one was. That's when I realized she was a normal human being that has been expected to be perfect all her life because she is rich. Or maybe she was that spoiled. Either way, she was seen as someone she is not. Although people hate her for all the things she said, they still think she is near to perfect. I don't think that everything about her is fake. Maybe she had hidden everything for so long that she had learned to be fake.

I gave her a warm smile, apologizing. She sighed and told me that I didn't see nor hear anything. I zipped my mouth and winked. She rolled her eyes but smiled.

"About that shopping proposal-"

"Totally up to you,"I said, hoping she said no and walked away from the office.

"Actually, I would like to go shopping with you. I really enjoy shopping,"she said with her eyebrow raised.

"Really?" I forced in excitement but it sounded fake. She rolled her eyes. "There's just one problem: I have like ten dollars in my purse."

"That's not the only problem. Trust me,"Courtney said, eyeing me from top to bottom. She was right. That wasn't the only problem. I had a wig stuffed inside my purse, sunglasses somewhere in there as well, lip gloss rubbed all over my hand, messy hair and not to mention this stupid outfit. That wasn't it. I'm going shopping with my enemy and if I buy anything, I'm most likely going to owe her.

* * *
In the center mall, Courtney quickly walked to the first store she saw. I was left behind as always. Trying to catch up, I took longer steps. When I got there, Courtney had already picked out a dress.

"I have to buy my dress early,"she explained. I always assumed she would be one of those girls that would pay hundreds of dollars to get there perfect prom dress made. I shrugged off the judgement.

"Again,"I said, "I don't have enough money for that." She shrugged and pulled out a nice red dress higher than the knee. I grabbed my phone and stopped the recording then texted Camille about what was happening. She replied with a laughing emoji.

"This is nice,"she said and got another dress. This time it was all black and it looked formal. I smiled and nodded. "I'll go try on these three and then I'll search for more." I nodded, beginning to look for clothing myself. She cleared her throat. "Aren't you going to go with me, Walkings?"

"Why?"I asked her. She replied, "Because I need to know how I look."

I sighed, following her as she took long, stylish steps and went inside a room. I crossed my arms and looked around the area we were in. There were some dresses at the right so I walked towards them. I grabbed a floral one and put it on top of my outfit just to check if it would look good. One of the employees, a tall, blonde, blue eyed woman, looked at me and smacked her lips.

"I don't think so, honey,"she said and put a strand of her wavy hair behind her ear. "You need something that brings out those eyes, honey."

"I don't know what you mean,"I said, nervously chuckling.

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