Chapter 16: Timing

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Thinking of time, the second hand slowly touched each number. Following it, it made a circle around the clock. It started again and never got tired. It was a cycle that although it didn't make sense, somehow, it seemed to work. For the second hand, the process is nothing. It sees it as an obligation. That is, until the battery dies. The clock stops. The hands freeze and for a minute, time itself freezes. Reflecting on the numbers, eyes began to examine the frozen time. Imagine the amount of free time. It would be enough to last a year. A year. 12 months. 52 weeks. 365 days. 8, 765 hours. 525, 948 minutes. 31, 556, 926 seconds. It's longer than expected, but shorter than wanted.

The second hand began to move again. Tick-tock. Time was moving slowly. Feeling all different types of things, I sat up from my bed and walked towards Violette, who was sitting on the floor watching TV. Sighing, I sat next to her and began to analyze the images.

My mind was really on what was happening but on the fact that all stories are similar. Everyone ends up happy with the person that loved them. Smiles ran across their faces as they saw that person. Usually, the person changed for them or became aware of their love soon. That was so predictable. I heard the sound of a phone ring, interrupting my thoughts. I picked up. I made sure to put it in speaker.


"Yeah, Lexi?" I had a nickname for her now. The best friend of my enemy was now friends with me. I know.

"I found out where Hunter will be taking you tonight,"she said in a voice full of excitement. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Where?"I asked. "America's Best Diarrhea-Giving Restaurant?"

"First of all, that was hilarious. Secondly, poor Hunter. I could not imagine him with it. He's too cute. His eyes are." Vi didn't speak after that. She shifted her eyes to look at a poster on my wall.

"No, he's taking you on a lovely picnic!"

"A lovely picnic?" I sounded surprise and looked at Vi who was still focuses on the poster.

"Yeah, and this time the food is edible,"she assured. "But just in case, don't eat it. Courtney is capable of anything."

"Yeah, I don't want to see that part of her,"I joked.

"Alright I must go,"Alexis said and her voice sounded soft when she ended with,"Bye." I hung up and threw my phone carelessly onto my bed. The only thing I trust to take care of my phone and provide comfort. I untie by bun and let my hair down, now in sensitive curls.

"Any ideas on an outfit?"Vi asked. Camille was unable to assist today. I school my head and looked at the mirror. My grey eyes followed the reflection. I was wearing jogging shorts with a short sleeve shirt that read, 'I Woke Up Like This.' I didn't care about my image. I opened my closet and looked for a shirt.

"Tell me again why I can't just go like this?" I asked. She gave me a look.

"Because you need to pretend to fall in love with him,"she said and pulled me out of the closet. She started looking, pulling out blue jeans and a cropped top. I shook my head and grabbed a gray hoodie. I smiled at her but she was frowning.

"I don't want to wear that,"I said, seriously. I grabbed another shirt with long laced sleeve and showed it to Vi, who shrugged carelessly. "So can I wear my Converse or not?"

"Yeah, why not?"

I went into the bathroom and changed. In front of the mirror, I brushed my hair and carefully put it into a ponytail. My bangs were covering my face, which made my gray eyes invisible. I curled them, landing on my sides. When I got out, I saw Violette holding lip gloss. I went back inside.

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