Chapter 8: Watch Out

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Confident steps were heard from behind me. The shadow of a fit guy caught more attention than the lights from the hall. Overpowering the small school, the shadow had conquered every heart. By turning around, my eyes saw a nice blue polo shirt with the usual leather jacket. Combining with that, the shadow wore black jeans and nice expensive shoes. Icy blue eyes looked down at me with sensitivity and reflecting a rose. A smirk playfully formed on his lips. The same thing as every day. Hunter Levi was out to get a prey.

"Liv, I had a wonderful time at dinner yesterday. Your dad is an incredible man but I would like to get some time alone with you," Hunter said and handed me a red rose. I pressed my lips together and closed my broken locker. I looked at him, confused. "It's for a beauty like you." I grabbed it and tipped it to the side. Its delicate petals became bright red as the light hit them. The green stem twirled in my fingers.

"What do you want?" I asked him, still looking at the rose.

"I want to take you out for dinner," he said and I looked at him. I pointed at myself.

"Really?" I asked, remembering what my best friends had told me the night before. He was just trying to play me. All I had to do is play back and teach him how the video game is really played. Although I have no idea how a video game works, still, I believe I can do something about. Maybe, unplug it.

"Yeah, but I can give you as much time as you need. That's not a problem for me. I'll let you process it," Hunter mentioned and put his hands in his pockets. I nodded.

"If I were to say yes, where would we go?"

"That would be a surprise," he said and leaned forward.

"Alright," I said and turned around. I started my daily schedule of getting my locker to close correctly. I started to bang on it and tried to put the lock back in its place. Forgetting that he was still behind me, I took a step backward which made me bump into him.

"Is that a yes?" he asked as he used his strength to close my locker shut. I sighed.

"I'll think about it," I said and fixed my backpack. I walked away to my right without looking back.

"Your backpack is open," Hunter yelled and added, "sweetheart." I stood still, pretending that I didn't hear the last word. Slowly, I close my backpack and start walking to my class. "Your class is on the other side." I started making my way back and walked past Hunter.

"I knew that. I just wanted to take the long way," I said and turned the corner. As soon as I saw a trash can, I threw the rose away. I caught up with Vi and Cami when I went to class. Vi opened the door for me and I walked in. Cami left for her class. Mr. Brown was reading a book. "Good morning."

"Good morning, girls," Mr. Brown said, looking up from his book. Surprisingly, only a couple of students were there. A bunch of chairs were empty and it was nearly late. I looked over at one of the students there. Freddy was reading a thick book with his thick glasses.

He was one of the smartest boys in the class. Freddy had a lot of acne on his face and messy hair. At some point, he had a crush on Violette but she ignored him. He was nice most of the time, though, which gave me the confidence to go up to him from time to time and ask him questions.

"Freddy? Why is everyone out?" I whispered.

"No idea. I am not informed of much, you know," Freddy mentioned. I nodded. As he looked back at his book, Alexis came in the room. I walked over to her.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"They ditched. Each with Courtney's clique. Apparently, she was having an 'At school' party," she said. "I didn't go because clearly, I wasn't invited. Not to mention, I don't even want to be near Courtney." I rose an eyebrow. "Camille called me last night. Is it true Hunter is trying to get at you?"

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