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In some instances, someone's definition of standing up could be to directly confront. My definition of standing up when it comes to Hunter Levi was to have an upright position supported by my legs. I have seen literal girl's knees shake around him in hopes that he will give them some attention. Unlike most girls, I took a firm stance around him, confidently. He took a small step forward to trap me even more; a tactic I was familiar with. I had watched enough Discovery channel to know snakes like to keep their victim close and trap them before attacking.

His hand reached up to touch my chin, but I slapped it away. He smirked and smoothly, stated, "Oh, come on, Liv." He leaned onto a near locker when I tried walking past him. "Are you blind or something? Look at me." I cringed, holding the urge to vomit.

"Conceited much," I mumbled, rolling my eyes. He leaned in closer.

"Very much," he smirked. Once again, I tried to make my way around the other side but he put an arm out and grabbed me. Somehow, there was no escape. A girl walked past him, smiling. He smirked back, making her grin and walk differently. He turned to look at me. "Can't you see who you have right in front of you?"

Snakes are manipulative. The only way to get around them is to play their game and fight back.

"Oh, of course I can. I see an idiot that claims to have slept with every girl in the school," I replied, emotionlessly. I crossed my arms, securely.

"Not every girl. Nothing has happened between you and I, yet. That would get me closer to the number every," he said, and I quickly pursed my lips. Disgusted at the thought that he wants to sleep with me, I scrunched my nose. Suddenly, I realized how ridiculous that thought was, and I began to chuckle. When I realized he was staring at me in confusion, I cleared my throat.

"One, I'm glad there's no disagreement about you being an idiot. And two, every is not a number. Now, get out of my way. I'm going to be late for class," I argued and made my way around once again. A strong grip got a hold of me.

"I don't want to sleep with you. I have a girlfriend. I like to refer to it as getting to know our bodies better. It's worth it," he teased with a smirk. He leaned into my ear and whispered, "It'll be our little secret."

"You know, this is harassment and I will not tolerate it," I said and he let go of my arm. I gave him one last glare before leaving. I heard voices as I left.

"Hunter, what the hell were you doing with her?" Courtney yelled across the hall.

"Oh, babe, we just bumped into each other. That's all," he assured as their voices faded.

As soon as I got into my AP Calculus class, Violette raced inside. I mumbled a sarcastic, "You're welcome," and walked to my desk. The bell rang after Vi sat next to me. Mr. Brown, our Calculus teacher, turned around to look at the class. He had written a lot of things on the board.

"Good morning class. I have some quick announcements. I will give you a test next week and I want you to have as many notes as necessary in order to complete the assignment. This test will cover material from the past couple of weeks. We should get started. Please, take out your math textbook and notebooks," he instructed and walked to his desk. He began typing on his laptop.

After I opened my backpack, I realized that I had not gotten my math notebook. I took out my math textbook and placed it on the desk. I grabbed a pencil lazily from my backpack.

"Vi," I whispered, hoping Mr. Brown could not hear me. She turned to look at me. I gestured the action of tearing out a paper. Puzzled, she furrowed her eyebrows.

"What?" she asked. I began gesturing "writing."

"I need paper," I whispered. She leaned in.

"I can't hear you," she said, cupping her ear.

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