Q & A

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I would like to thank all the people that asked questions for this Q & A. It means a lot to me and I seriously hope I answered your answers thoroughly.

Thank you to all the supporters of this book. I have enjoyed writing every single chapter, paragraph, and word. I hope you have enjoyed reading it even if it was filled with mistakes XD.

Please, do not remove this book from your library because I will be announcing the sequel if you want to check it out! (I'm excited for the sequel!)

Anyway, let's get to the Q & A!

Here are some of your questions:

How did you come up with this story? Asked by _Dark_Knight_

I was on Wattpad, looking through different (Teen) fictional books. I noticed that most of them had the same ending. Although they are fictional, I also noticed that I didn't have an amazing love story like the character. (Either way, I love Wattpad books like that.) I wanted a different ending with a clumsy character just like me. I was also listening to a song which helped me choose the title and what it was going to be about.

Adding a guy like Hunter wasn't to make him seem like a bad boy or a player (because he definitely wasn't.) Not all boys are perfect with abs and amazing at sports. Trust me, I know. Instead, it was to embrace flaws that guys have. In other stories, the bad boy is handsome, athletic and artistic and usually, rich since his father owns a huge company. However, I made Hunter's father work for Courtney's dad. I think we can settle with saying that Hunter isn't perfect. He isn't athletic ( I mean, he can't even make a goal for his team) but he's a broken boy who flirts with girls for fun and fill his heart.

Anyway, Liv Walker was made up of possibilities. This character's personality relates a lot to mine but she does things that I wouldn't dare do. Through that, I began to build the story and put more events that I've experienced. Of course, none of them went wrong...well, not exactly like Liv's.

In other words, I wanted to make something different and therefore, I came up with "Not Your Girl."

Why did you end it in this way? Asked by _Dark_Knight_

Or is it the end? Just kidding. It is... for this book.

As I had mentioned, I wanted something different and I felt like ending it with a message was powerful. Violette's speech kind of summed up a little bit of the things was learned. Everyone had something to focus on and no one knew what was going to happen.

At the end, some things change like the friendship between Hunter and Liv and others don't like Courtney's rivalry with Liv. There was an amazing adventure that connected these situations. Anyway, there were a lot of messages that I wanted to put.
(What messages did you get?)

The ending isn't perfect. Liv didn't stay with Hunter. In fact, Liv didn't stay with anyone but she ended up appreciating every moment she had and her friends. She was also definitely excited for her future after her unexpected experiences.

All I wanted was a different ending with conveyed messages. Also, something people can relate to.

Where did you come up with the storyline? Asked by marissa_tay5

I came up with the storyline in different places. I had to travel very far and gather ideas. I traveled from my couch to the kitchen and then to my room. The most beautiful places ever...Well, basically, I did.

The storyline was developed as it went. I would think of something and then, write down a small part so that I didn't forget. I usually got ideas as I was in school. I analyzed some people and how they behaved. Usually, things happened out of the blue and that's how I decided to write unexpected things. Also, some of the fears were gathered through the people I interacted with.

Most of my ideas came to me while I was home, at school, or simply taking a walk. Although, it was difficult to organize my thoughts. I would have so many ideas that would fill my head. I was constantly thinking about this book everywhere I went. Anywhere is a great place to get ideas as long as you see beyond it.

Will Liv find love? :) Asked by @Del586

Liv had a hard time finding love in this book. The only thing she had eyes for was celebrities like Zac Efron. Also, she wasn't really looking for someone to love but she did find people attractive. A lot of them.

I have decided to make a sequel for this book. *Cheers* Liv deserves some love but of course, Liv is Liv, meaning things might get silly. I mean, do you remember when she stuttered when she saw Ashton Levi? Things didn't go so well.

However, Liv might have a chance with love in the sequel. (I will announce when that's coming so don't remove this book from your library.)

My final answer is: possibly.

Who is your favorite character throughout the whole book and what makes them your favorite character? Asked by falloutboy701

My favorite character? Well, that's hard. After an analysis of all characters, I decided that possibly Liv Walker is my favorite throughout the book. It might or might not have been obvious.

I feel like I put the most dedication in building Liv's character and I actually saw the world the way that she did. Also, she reminds me of me at times and I think she is one of the people I could relate to the most. Throughout the story, I found that she was the one that I had actually put in the lead. I didn't think about what other characters thought as much. I constantly thought of Liv's perspective, however, and I enjoyed creating her.

I connected the most with her and I feel like that counted when I chose that she was my favorite. I'm pretty sure that when an author writes a story, they see a resemblance or they connect to any character (not necessary the main character). Am I wrong? Possibly. Anyway, Liv wasn't all me of course. As I had mentioned, I made her do things I would've never done or thought of doing myself. Although I liked every single character, no matter how small, I guess my favorite one was Liv, the main character.

I hope you enjoyed this Q & A. Again, thank you all so much. I hope you follow Liv's adventure in the sequel which will be announced. I love you and stay awesome! :)

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