Chapter 14: That Morning

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I heard nothing but the birds chirping outside. Feeling extremely uncomfortable, I stood up to hit my head on the closed ceiling. It was as if I had slept in a coffin, stiff and dead. Realizing that I was still stuck in the mall, my heart started to panic. Switching my body to peek from the door, I saw nothing but furniture and clothes. The lights were still off but somehow, the light from the outside was able to shine a bright ray into the store. I checked the time on my phone. 6:08 am. In two hours, the attendants were going to come to the store. In three hours, the doors were going to be open and people were going to crowd. Opening my eyes fully, I looked to my side to find a body resting. I yawned and unlocked my phone to check my notifications. Five unread messages, one missed call, and one new email. Ignoring the email, I opened up my calling history to check who the call was from. Smirking at her childishness, I read Camille's name. I opened the five messages from three different people. Violette, Camille, and Alexis.


I am completely sorry that I had to leave you. It was dark and I panicked and now this is a run on sentence but who cares. I hope you are okay. Text me back when you can. :(

To that I replied:

I'm okay.. I guess just stuck with a body in the mall.


Hey get back to me. I'm sorry!

Did you seriously get stuck with Hunter at the mall?

I replied:

Yes, I am!


News says you are stuck with Hunter???

Courtney is furious. Apparently, it wasn't part of the plan.

Not knowing what to say, I just sent the first that came to me:

How did the news spread?

I put my phone in the pocket of my jeans and noticed Hunter's leg was resting on mine. I slowly moved my leg out and made my way to the edge. What a night! I thought. Hoping that Hunter wouldn't wake up, I tried to get out of the coffin-like box. Carefully, I opened the door which made a loud noise. Smacking my lips, I tried to shut it up by pushing even slower. Unfortunately, Hunter's blue eyes were revealed by the light from outside.

"Good morning,"his morning voice said. I rolled my eyes and stepped out. He quickly put a hand around my waist. "You can't do that. They have cameras, remember?" I nodded and tried to get out of his grip. "What time is it?"

"Time for you to get a watch,"I said, sarcastically. He chuckled and grabbed his phone. Noticing the endless notifications, one being from Courtney, he locked his phone back without replying.

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