Chapter 15: Not Your Way

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Sorry for the late update! Please make sure to vote and comment if you like it! Make sure to keep your brain on and think of any connections or symbols you see! Literary Devices! (Sounds like an English teacher XD) I'm such a nerd. lol Anyways, enjoy and think!! May contain errors.

Small chunks of chicken mixed with grains of rice as the fork moved delicately through the food. Avoiding the hot sauce, the fork moved around it and back to the chicken. Carelessly, it threw itself at the lettuce, tomato, and carrots. Again, it mixed the food on the plate together. The fork sat down at the edge of the plate and slowly, the tips touched the hot sauce. This was something it was trying to avoid. As difficult as it was, the fork stayed still, touching the sauce with more power than itself. The hot sauce was lonely, whether or not it was better than anything else, which meant it needed to become part of the meal again.

Lines of words ran through my eyes as they send signals to my brain in order to memorize them. Highlighting my lines, I reviewed them over and over again, ignoring Vi and Camille's conversation. Pretending I did not notice anything different, I put rice and chicken in my mouth. Carefully, I chewed and allowed my mandible to control my teeth. I held the papers near me and hid behind them. It was working because so far, no one had talked to me. I was in the zone. Allowing my brain to process everything, I put the papers down and took a small glimpse at the "popular" table.

Her ombre hair was in a ponytail and she wore a bow. Her cropped shirt fell smoothly along her body and her black jeans wrapped around her waist. Her eyes were lightly filled in with makeup and her lips were glossed. Surprisingly, she wore flats instead of her incredibly expensive high heels. It's a shame that people waste hundreds of dollars in heels when they could get them less than half a price at a local mall. Trust me, I have checked. Courtney Hill had changed her style since the last time I saw her. Although everything was still expensive, including the ring, earrings, and long necklace she wore, she looked average. Rich average, I suppose. Everything of her changed, including her attitude. It worsen.

Alicia, Hill's "best friend", sat by her side like the supporting friend she is. It looks as if she didn't seem to care what she said about her. She knows Courtney is like her, too, maybe worse. Alicia had dark chocolate skin with dark brown eyes. She is tall and has amazing skills in P.E class. Since she hangs out with Courtney so much, she doesn't have time to practice for games or any other competition. She is always at every party along with Courtney and never complains about her life. She seems like the perfect girl but to me, she seems more like Courtney's bodyguard.

Alexis sat in front of Courtney with an attentive smile in her face. As I glimpse over, I saw her looking at me. She winked and quickly, turned around. Her lips played a smile as Courtney talked.

The last person sitting in the table was Darlene, who was standing up as she noticed the hate stares. She threw her lunch away and moved to the table where her boyfriend, Greg, was at. She smiled at the table and sat down, giving Greg a peck in the cheek. Courtney rolled her eyes and looked out at the emptiness of her table. Darlene didn't bother to look behind her when she shifted uncomfortably.

Hazel eyes pointed at me like a laser as I threw the only thing left in my plate. Hot sauce. I didn't feel like having any and it had lost craving in my body. Lips pressed together, harshly, and smacked as I sat back down. I started to review my lines again and whispered them to myself. Mumbling the only words I remembered, I covered the paper by putting it under the table.

"Hey,"a smooth yet familiar voice said. Still concentrating and ignoring another distraction, I started to saw my lines from the beginning. "What's up with her?"

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