Chapter 7: Charming Dinner

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May contain errors.

"Oh, Hunter, sit down," Pa said as he stopped laughing from a joke Hunter has just told. Unamused, I rolled my eyes and sat down across Hunter.

"Thank you, Ken," Hunter said, looking at me and smiling. With a great smile, Pa went into the kitchen. Camille sat next to me and raised her eyebrows, impressed at how easily Hunter charmed Pa. When he returned, Pa gave us each our plate of food.

"So how did you and Hunter meet?" Pa asked as he sat down, wiping his hands on a paper towel.

"School," Hunter replied. He smiled and looked at me as if I was his best friend. He bullies me, I thought and was prepared to say but decided to leave that to another conversation.

"That's great. Why hasn't Liv mentioned you before?"

"She's probably shy, you know. Our Liv can be sometimes," he laughs. I gave Hunter a look. Our Liv? I exchanged looks with Camille, who had her spoon halfway to her mouth. Her mouth was wide open and her eyes were shifting, awkwardly. A long raven strand of hair fell in front of her. I pressed my lips together, waiting for another comment from Hunter's mouth.

"Well, Hunter, are you Liv's, uh, b—"

"No, we are nothing actually. Just attend the same school. That's all," I jumped in, giving a paranoid look. Hunter laughed and so did Pa. "In reality, he's dating Courtney Hill."

"Oh, not anymore," Hunter stated which left everyone at the table in shock. Just this morning, he was threatening me for messing with his girlfriend and now he was saying he broke up with her! What kind of game is he playing? I need to know. He might have a head start but I'm faster.

I put some bread in my mouth and chewed, patiently. Thinking about it, what was Hunter doing at the park? He didn't even live anywhere near here. Why did he save us? If he really did hate me, he would have just pretended to not be there. This didn't make any sense. Hunter Levi was my enemy.

"Wow, Ken, this is amazing. I can't get enough," Hunter complimented.

"Would you like more?" Pa asked.

"Would I?" Hunter said and gave his plate to Pa. After Pa left, Hunter smiled at me.

"What's your deal?" Camille asked Hunter. Her French accent overpowering her words. Hunter laughed and shrugged.

"What deal?" he asked, completely clueless. He rose an eyebrow. I looked over at him, wanting to stab him with the fork I was holding.

"What are you going to do? Trash my house? Kill me in my sleep?" I asked Hunter. He gave me a confused look and then, chuckled as Pa came in. He grabbed his plate and began to eat. I gave him squinted eyes, telling him I was on to him.

He returned a confused look. Then, I said 'what are you doing?' with my eyes. His eyes replied with 'nothing.'

"Did you know that Liv is one of the most beautiful girls at school?" Hunter said. Pa smiled, sweetly and blushed as if the compliment was to him. I exchanged another look with Camille and then, with Hunter. Camille and I started laughing. Because my mouth was full of food, I was turning red from an almost choked to death experience. Fortunately, I was able to swallow and cough out chunks that didn't fit in my throat on a napkin. Unfortunately, Pa and Hunter took it as a sign of blushing. I rolled my eyes.

"Isn't he the sweetest?" Pa turned to me.

"Is he not?" I laughed, sarcastically, in a clenched jaw. Camille faked a laugh and looked at me with worried eyes.

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