Chapter 28: Cameras, Lights...Action

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I was standing in the middle of a field, watching the dark night as the stars lighten the sky. I had my arms crossed, hoping that there would be no cold. Seeing two arms wrap around me, I gently turn around to find two illuminating blue eyes. Soon, he leans in and our lips kiss, leaving me surprised. Wrapping my hands around his neck, I lean in as well but soon the kiss was over. Smiling, the boy with the blue eyes stroke my cheek. Looking down, I played with my fingers. Suddenly, I was lifted up and I could finally recognize the boy. It was...

"Hunter Levi!"I yelled as I woke up from the dream. Running my hand through my tangled hair, I looked at the time. 8:15. Quickly, I got out of bed and grabbed the first things I saw which at first was just two pairs of jeans. After getting the correct clothing which consisted of jeans, a black shirt, and a hoodie, I made a schedule in my head.

I have less than thirty minutes to get ready and go to school. It's 8:16 and I have to be in class by 8:45. I'll do my daily bathroom routine in three minutes. Four minute shower. I'll change in a minute. I'll eat breakfast on the way to school and get a ride from Pa. Everything seems accurate.

After I finished doing everything in the bathroom, it was 8:26 which meant I was a minute behind schedule. Yelling for my dads, I heard no reply but silence which meant they weren't home. I called them but Dad made the excuse that he was at work and Pa was helping a friend at a school. Honestly, I was panicking because today was Friday and it was the play. If I was late, I would get detention and be late for mandatory rehearsal. I decided to call Violette.

"Hello? Liv?"

"Vi, is there any way you could give me a ride?"

"I can't sorry! I'm already at school and I'm tutoring,"she said. Smacking my lips, I began to hop.

"I'll call Camille,"I said.

"I'm tutoring her,"Violette said, bringing cold blood all over my body. Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm myself.

"Alright bye." 8:31.

I called Alexis but she said she was with Alex at the donut shop so I preferred not to interrupt. At a moment, I even considered to call Courtney even though I didn't have her number. Knowing I was desperate, I picked up my phone and went to my contacts. I was in need for someone that was fast and would give me a ride. I called Hunter. Gulping as the phone rang, I started bouncing again, hoping that he picked up.

Remind me to ask for a car! Again!


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