Chapter 19: Not Here

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I pushed up against my locker and threatened by Courtney. Her eyes glared into mine and her fist was held back. Her flats were positioned in a way where she kept balance and her hair was up into a bun. Her lips formed a frown.

"Get away from Hunter,"she said, jaw clenched. I rolled my eyes. "I'm serious."

"Just because you tell me doesn't mean I'm going to stop,"I rebelled. Was this what she was going for? Did she know I would go against her commands and therefore, she is playing tricks with my mind? "It's not like I like him."

"Well, you better not,"she said. I slapped her hand away.

"What's wrong with you?"

"That's the same question I have for you. First, you put the speaker on and kill my reputation. Now, you are trying to steal my guy!!"

"Hey, you were dumb enough to not hear yourself on the speaker,"I shrugged.

"The office speakers are broken!"she yelled, informing me of something I already knew.

"But not the ones around the school,"I said and she growled. She took a step back and her eyes squinted towards me. 'Hunter is spending more time with you than me,' her eyes read. I am confused at what game she is playing. Is this part of the act?

"Just stay away from him, Walkings,"she said.

"Talking about Walking, what happened to your high heels? Did you fall?" She gave me a glare and then flipped her hair in my face. I rolled my eyes and turned to my locker. I can't wait for the day I get the best locker in school. As I tried to close it, Camille and Violette walked up to me.

"Hey, Violin, here thinks that Ashton is the guy of her dreams,"Cami said.

"He is,"she sighed and then looked up at the ceiling.

"I think he's a lot of girls' dreams,"I mentioned and Cami laughed.

"I mean she didn't even do anything with the fact I just called her Violin. This Ashton guy must be a real hottie."

"Not just that. He's also smart and expressive and funny and smart and I think I'm repeating myself." Cami and I nodded.

"So you already turned in the Stanford application?"I asked and Vi shook her head.

"I'm revising and by tomorrow, I'll turn it in,"she informed us. "What applications have you turned it?"

"For UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, New York Film Academy, New York University, and Columbia University,"I said. "I want to apply to as many as I can." I turned to Camille who was looking down at her feet. Her raven hair was covering her face with a, now, blood red strip of hair dyed. She didn't speak.

"That's a good idea,"Vi said and gave me a smile. "Senior year is almost over. I can't believe we still need less than four months."

"That sounds like a long time,"Camille spoke and we laughed, knowing it was true. "I can't believe my birthday is coming up in two weeks! I'll finally be eighteen."

"I'm still older,"Violette announced. "By 51 days."

"Whatever, Girl Born After New Year,"Cam said. "February 21 is the best day."

I rolled my eyes at what they were saying. It was immature of them to discuss about which day was the best because obviously June 18th was the best day. As the youngest in the group, I was usually the last one to do something. This might be a good thing but most of the time, it isn't, especially when it involves picking food.

The camping trip was one of the dates I would be excited of. Unfortunately, Hunter is going which kills it off. Why did I have to be involved in this? Every year, we go camping in order to "reconnect" with nature. My dads believe that we need to have some time off from the city and admire the creations not man-made. To me, it's a time of peace and drama free space. This year I have a feeling it's going to be the complete opposite. If Hunter ruins this for me, I promise to invite him to our yearly visit to my uncle's farm so he could work all day without stopping. His cologne won't help him there.

Amazed that there was still seven minutes left until we went to class, I decided to take the long way. Unexpectedly, I saw Africa talking to Alexis's younger sister, Claire. They laughed and then hugged. Claire left to her Junior class. I smiled as I passed Africa and she smiled back. On the way, I saw Alex. He wore black jeans, a hoodie, and Jordan's. I rolled my eyes but approached him.

"Hey,"I said, awkwardly. I have never talked to this guy.

"Oh, uh, hey,"he replied and shifted his eyes as if looking for hidden cameras. "What's up?"

"Um, I just wondering, you know, why are you so lonely? Did Alexis and you break up?"

"Yeah, a long time ago. Did you hear what Courtney said about her and Hunter? I can't deal with a cheater."

"Yeah, but Alexis is not capable of such thing,"I said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you like her?"


"Just answer my question,"I replied before this conversation turned into nothing.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because if you like her, and you know her well, you shouldn't have a reason to doubt her and believe someone who proved herself to be fake." He looked down as if in doubt. Smiling, he nodded at my words and then looked at me. His brown eyes became sensitive and his confidence lowered. "Talk to her. I bet she misses you and that she really loves you."

"Why would you care about us?" His eyes grew stronger.

"Because I completely ship you guys!" He gave me an awkward look. I had no idea what to say. "Plus, you make yourself seem so insecure compared to Hunter. Man up, bruh." I brought up masculinity in order to push him to get Alexis back. "You don't want Hunter to win, do you?" Although I directed that question at Alex, it felt like it was more towards me. I have to grow stronger because Hunter seemed to make everyone feel insecure. If I were to give up, he would win. Courtney would win and we don't want that, do we?

Nodding, he shrugged and presses his lips together. Thinking of my words, he began to walk away. I bit my lip, hoping that whatever I said would work. Right now, all I needed was to thank Alexis. Opening the door to Mr. Brown's classroom, I saw that I was the third person in the class. There was still one minute left to enter and I doubted anyone wouldake it in time. Violette was opening her notebook.

"I'm surprised that your notebook doesn't have hearts, kisses, and Ashton written all over it,"I said.

"Don't start. Not here in class,"she whined. I chuckled and began to take out my notebook. Our projects were due today but I finished a couple days ago. Mr. Brown called me.

"You turned in the project online, right?" I nodded and he started to type things into the computer. "Oh, I see it." Clicking on a link, he stood and locked the door. Violette and I exchanged looks because it was only Freddy sitting down. Alexis showed up when Mr. Brown was locking the door. He let her in.

"Where's everyone else? Did they ditch again?"Vi whispered to Alexis, who sat in front of her.

"No, I have no idea where everyone is,"she said and looked around. Freddy gave her a nerdy smile and Alexis nodded her head, awkwardly. "Where's the rest of the group?" Freddy shrugged but gave us an answer.

"They all went to see Africa and Courtney argue for the locker or something,"he said. I stood up. Is Courtney that stupid? Is she really that immature?

"I need to go to the bathroom,"I said. Mr. Brown allowed me to go without saying a word. I knew I was in trouble the moment Courtney's name was heard but I won't allow her to bring Africa down. Not here when I can be backup for Africa.

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