Chapter 17: Need A Ride

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Avoiding the cracks on the sidewalk, I walked to school. Step by step, I kept skipping the lines. It was early and even if I took half an hour to get to school, I would still have more than fifteen minutes left. School was only less than ten minutes away, meaning I had time to stop by and get something to eat. As I crossed the street, I heard a honk. Ignoring it, I turned the corner and entered a street full of small shops. There were restaurants and a donut shop right across it. If I were to turn another corner and cross two streets, my school would be located there. Soon, I heard another honking, leading me to think that I was being followed. I started to walk away from the school and closer to a small store near a gas station two blocks away. I entered it and walked near the cashier who was eating chips. He was young and he looked up at the TV. Realizing I was looking at him, he turned my way.

"How may I help you?"he asked. I kept staring at him, wondering what I could say. He gave me a confused look.

"I was just-"

"If you aren't going to buy anything, you may as well leave, ma'am."

"Excuse you?"

"I said if you aren't-"

"I heard you." I started walking out and shifting my eyes. "Rude." Looking out at the road, I saw a black car that parked right where I was. I kept walking, not stopping for my curiosity which was being wild. I fixed my ponytail and put my hands in the pockets of my jeans.

"Liv!" I heard a voice yell. Music played loud and a small vibration filled the street. I still had five streets to go and twenty minutes to get to school. Where did time go? "Need a ride?"

Remind me to ask for a car for my eighteenth birthday!

"No,"I rejected. "I'm fast enough to make it to school on time."

"There goes another precious minute." I pressed my lips together. Hunter was right. If I walked at this speed, I wouldn't reach school. If I took the ride, I would have time to stop by the donut shop and buy one. Suddenly, I remembered Violette. I needed to pretend to be in love with Hunter. I gulped down the memories, the water, the bruises, the pudding, and the shoving. I gulped down the trips, the words, and the steps. I gulped down my prank, the slap, and my hate. I gulped down the feeling of pretend and guilt. Turning around, I smiled and looked into his window.

"Fine,"I let out. He got out of the car and opened the door for me. I thanked him and went in.

"Want to make a stop somewhere?"he asked and I nodded.

"The donut shop,"I mentioned. He smiled in satisfaction as if he had that in mind as well. "As long as the line isn't long."

"Does that matter as long as we get our donut?" I smiled and shook my head slightly. As he drove, I remembered the first time I got into the car. Was I getting used to this? Impossible! The car was too fast and I had this fear of crashing that rose to my throat. I held a scream as he pressed the break and parked in front of the shop. In fifteen minutes, the doors of the class were going to close. I honestly hope I wasn't late with Hunter by my side.

Hunter suggested I stayed in the car while he ordered for us. I agreed since I had a clear shot of all the shop. As he got out, I noticed the script for theater sticking out. As the curious cat I am, I grabbed it and read all his notes. Either you fake a kiss or you drop out, the little voice in my head said. Improvise. I sighed as I realized he was committed to this. The plan to break my heart. Was he that angry at me?

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