Chapter 6: Trapped

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Blood rushed through my veins, waiting to feel free once again at school. My hair cooperated with my mood and shined bright. As my dark hair followed the direction of the wind, I closed my eyes and smiled. The green of the trees blossomed like the beautiful flowers decorating them. My feet stepped to the beat of the song that flowed into my ears. The sun rays kissed my soft skin and warmed my delighted heart. Voices were inaudible because the day was granting me an amazing feeling I had forgotten about. I was going to be left alone at last. I felt like a savior and a hero. I, Liv Walker, was going to feel as an admiration and inspiration to follow the impossible even when no one knew it had been me.

I took the first step into an environment that would've adored me if I had revealed my identity. I took the first couple of confident steps which became the death of me when I saw too many eyes looking at me. I smirked and kept walking as if I owned every face. Is this what popular feels like? Free? Suddenly, all of the eyes looked away and voices started conversations. Confused, I stopped and pulled my backpack closer than what it already was on my back. I shifted my eyes, waiting for people to talk about how great it felt to finally be free of Courtney. Instead, there was silence and no one spoke about how Courtney deserved being exposed. Conversations killed me because they didn't involve freedom. I kept walking with my head down. I counted the number of steps that it took me.

30 steps. Huh, who knew?

I went straight to my broken locker. Although the school seemed to be functioning correctly and normally, I wasn't. This was not what I had expected. I opened my locker and took out my book. At this time, Courtney would have shoved me and I would have talked back. I closed my locker and sighed. What do I do now?

"Not used to the change?" Violette said and licked her cherry lollipop which she was holding. Her tongue was completely red. Camille was next to her, coughing her lungs out. Her long raven hair lied on her shoulder. A small part of the side of her head was shaved to represent her fearlessness. Her lips were a soft shade of pink but her eyes were outlined darkly with a black eyeliner. Her pale skin made her dark outfit eye-catching. Her skinny body leaned against the locker next to mine. She ran her fingers through her hair. Finally, she smirked and showed off her white teeth. Her head touched the locker and turned to look at me.

"I just wanted to make sure that you weren't lying. Is Courtney seriously in trouble?" Cami asked, curiously. She spoke with a slight French accent. Although she was sick, her emotions were solid. I took a step forward and let go of my locker. I looked at her and nodded. I sighed.

Camille and Violette are completely different yet they get along very well. Sometimes, I ask myself how I brought them together. In reality, at the beginning, they hated each other. Violette was the nerdy one while Camille was popular. Because she was French, everyone loved her, including her accent. Believe it or not, she wore the skinniest of jeans and the girliest of makeup. Back then, her favorite color was pink. After a small incident with Courtney, her life was ruined. The French chick became no one like the rest of us. On the other hand, Violette and I were already friends since middle school. She was the smartest girl in our class which impressed me. I asked her for help and she gave it to me. Slowly, we became really close. When we entered high school, I saw a whole different side of her. Although she is still one of the smartest girls, her look was amazing. It was as if that Freshmen summer gave her a fairy godmother. When these two girls met, they were enemies. Camille would call Vi names and Vi would get so mad that she would slap her. Sometimes, she was lucky enough to have her lunch in front of her. Camille would go to class covered in food. After a couple of years, they started to get along. Camille still calls Vi some names, though but something is something.

"Yeah, but no one seems to care. They are supposed to be happy!" I whined and they both stared at me. I shrugged as I felt something slightly touch my leg. I jerked forward to see my open locker. I smacked my lips and tightly closed the door. I sighed and leaned against it. "I mean, I did do everything to let them know who Courtney really is."

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