Chapter 22: Underneath Stars

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Hiii!! Super sorry for the really late update. I didn't think what I had written was good enough and yes, there was a worst draft than what I have now LOL XD. As you have noticed by the title, I will be entering the Wattys. This is my first time and I have very little information about it. Anyway, I need a lot of support so please make sure to vote/comment and share this story with your friends! I would highly appreciate it because this means a lot. If you have any questions, comment it or PM me! Love you and enjoy.

Shining bright stars illuminate the night since there are no trees covering their light. Constellations are constructed, making different designs that fascinate the mind. The faraway stars twinkle, showing different levels of brightness. Orbiting around, the moon is full and white, sending the message of a beautiful night. It gives a faded ray of light as if it's not strong enough to lighten everything else. Although the stars and the moon can be seen, the rest of the world is harder to focus on because of the darkness. Everything is pitch black, meaning there were indistinguishable objects haunting our surrounding.

Feeling a small breeze as I lied in my sleeping bag, I looked over at Hunter who gazed at me with his blue visible eyes. I smiled and looked back at the sky, closing my gray eyes. After opening them, I glimpsed at Hunter who was still looking at me. I shifted my body so I faced him.

"What?"I asked, faking a giggle.

"You are beautiful,"he smiled. I chuckled as he put his arms behind his head.

"What made you assume that?"

"All the moments we've had together,"he said, turning.

"Yeah,"I said. The word faded as if it was only a sound.

"Like the time when we got stuck in cabinet,"he laughed.

"How did people even find out about that?"I asked. He looked away.

"I might've texted Alex, who might've told Greg, who probably told Darlene, who most likely told Alexis, who told Alicia, and she ruined the telephone game by telling Courtney. Honestly, I have no idea how your friends knew first."


"Yeah, me neither,"I lied. "Or that time when you took me to the restaurant."

"Oh,"he replied. "I rather not remember that one."

"I shouldn't even mention when your car was towed,"I said and laughed.

"I cannot be separated from my car,"he said, hurt.

"Good to know,"I mumbled.

"The picnic,"he recalled. "The squirrel. It's funny how you never eat."

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