Chapter 26: Believe It

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Watching houses pass by my eyes and lights switch to green, I played with my fingers. Biting my lip, I began to plan a way to break the silence. I tended to be very awkward when it came to guys that I thought were pretty good looking. Although I wasn't desperate, around them I sure seemed. I always seem to want to say something impressive but end up embarrassing myself. Anyway, those boys with the looks will get my attention anytime. Well, Hunter Levi is a different story.

"So,"I began, stretching the word out. "I'm Violette's friend." I gave him a cheeky smile.

"I noticed,"he said. "You guys must be really close. She loves talking about you."

"Really? What does she say?"

"How smart and creative you are and that you changed her life,"he said and glanced at me. There was an awkward silence.

"So..Hunter and you?"he asked as he raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes.

"Just friends,"I mentioned.

"Didn't seem like it,"he chuckled.

"He wasn't thinking right. He was drunk,"I said. "Take a left here."

"You know Hunter always tells the truth when he's drunk,"he assured which kept me thinking.

* * *

"Liv, it's been two weeks since the party and you still don't want to talk about Hunter,"Camille said. She put her teal hair on her shoulder. The shaved spot was replaced with long teal hair.

"What look are you going for now?"I asked, changing the subject.

"A hipster but don't change the subject. Now tell us, he kissed you?"

"Yeah, but it didn't mean anything,"I replied. "He was drunk and it was unexpected."

"Was it romantic?"Violette asked.

"If you mean romantic as in Ashton saw us kiss and I made a fool out of myself in front of him, then yeah it was,"I said, sarcastically. Vi crossed her arms. I walked to my new locker.

Locker 101 was finally mine. That gray, unbroken locker had my things in it. I was so excited that I didn't have a problem closing it, I loved going to my locker.

Unfortunately, that meant Africa was no longer in this school but I have kept in touch with her. Grabbing a notebook for my last class, AP Spanish, I gave Camille a smile. Her hair was wavy now with a simple floral headband around her head. It had small flowers on it. I closed my locker, easily.

"So Austin and you?"I asked Camille, making her feel uncomfortable.

"We've been seeing each other but nothing much,"she said. "Plus, it won't last. I'm going to France to study." Shocked at her words, I gave her an amused look.

"What?"I asked in complete astonishment.

"My parents said I would be better off to study in France, especially if I want to study fashion design, and cosmetology."

"Why didn't you tell me this?"I asked as we walked down the hall.

"I didn't find the right time,"she reasoned.

"Did you know?" I pointed at Violette. She looked away, telling me she did. "Seriously?"

"I'm sorry,"Camille said. "You mean so much to me and I didn't want to see you broken. I wanted for you to be happy."

"I am. I'm just shocked. I can't believe it,"I said. "I can't imagine my life without any of you guys. Vi is going to Stanford and you to France."

"Still not confirmed,"Violette began.

In Spanish class, I wasn't paying much attention. I was imagining what the future would bring. Would I go to New York and become an actress? That'll be an amazing future since it's been my dream since forever. If I work hard enough, I'll get there. I would be able to do musicals and even get to be in a movie. That's such a crazy dream. I should probably reach for something more possible. But what?

I grabbed my backpack and put my homework inside. I stood in front of my locker, staring at nothing.

"Hey,"Hunter said.

"Hey,"I replied without looking at him.

"I need to let you know that the kiss was-"

"It's okay,"I said. I didn't want anymore mentioning of the kiss.

"I've noticed that in theater you and I have some tension,"he said. I turned around and looked at his blue eyes. "I don't want that. I really don't." He stuck his hands in his pockets.

"We're cool. Still friends,"I said, smiling.

"Alright. You like your locker?"

"Yeah, it's way better,"I assured. He chuckled.

"I'll walk to to theater,"he suggested. I nodded.

"I'll catch up with you,"I said. He smirked and started walking. Fixing my textbooks, I noticed that one wasn't going all the way in. Taking it out, I saw something sparkle from behind. Using my fingers, I grabbed whatever was stuck on the corner. Gently, I pulled until the object was released. There was something white stuck in the corner but I couldn't get it with my fingers. Looking at my hand, I saw a necklace. It was beautiful, designed as a heart. Putting it closer to my face, I saw an "A" printed on it. Africa. Turning it around, I saw a "H" which became confusing to me. Her last name was Valley.

Maybe, she has a middle name like Hayley or Ha-e-m. Alright, I can't think of another name. I mean, it's not like I stalk her.

I put the necklace inside my pocket and close my locker. Turning the corner of the hall, I saw Hunter and Courtney talking. Smacking my lips, I looked around to see Claire, Alexis's younger sister. Since the Junior lockers were where they were talking, I asked her a big favor.

"Can you record their conversation? I'm Alexis's friend."I said. She gave me a strange look. Unconvinced, she grabbed my phone and walked to her locker, suspiciously. She opened it. Shrugging, she began to record their dialogue. Curious in what they were saying, I kept looking out every few seconds. When Courtney left and Hunter went into the bathroom, I walked to Claire. She gave me my phone and I thanked her.

"They have a lot going on,"Claire said. I nodded.

"A lot,"I said. "I'm Liv, by the way."

"Claire. But you knew that already,"she said. I laughed.

"I'll see you." She saved as I began to walk to theater. Hunter caught up with me.

We didn't talk as we walked to the class. He just gave me a simple smile. As we went in to practice, I became super desperate in their conversation. I knew I had to wait for my friends so I was really trying to contain myself.

"We are doing very well and by Friday, everyone will be ready. Remember that the play is on Friday and Liv, we need to get the kiss perfectly." I nodded, putting my hand inside my pocket. "You are all dismissed." Pulling out the necklace, I examined it.

"Hey, need a ride?"Hunter asked, but his emotions were replaced with surprise. "Where did you get that?"

"You've seen this before?"

"N-No,"he stuttered. "I'm just-uh- asking. It's very pretty. I don't want some guy stealing your heart first." I didn't believe a thing he said.

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