Chapter 22.

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Giovanni POV
Chapter 22.
Emotional Rollercoaster.

It was nice falling asleep in Carnell arms, even though I couldn't completely enjoy it since I was trying to figure everything out. Just knowing he was there was enough, he had a way of making me feel safe no matter the situation. Even knowing he was dangerous and could possibly kill me a hundred different ways if he wanted too didn't stop that feeling. We didn't say anything although the both of us were wide awake, we—well I didn't need to say anything. His presence was more than enough.

I was still a little confused on what all happened last night, Carnell said he loved me? This entire time I thought he cheated on me, it hurt honestly. Really hurt. But to hear him say he loved me just confused me, last night was a bit foggy but that part stood out the most. Did he actually love me? Or was he just saying that to hide the fact he cheated on me? Although he says he hasn't been with anyone except me, was it actually true? Could I actually believe that Carnell could love me when literally everyone wanted to be with him?

He could have any and everyone why would he choose me? I was inexperienced and he was very much experienced, like the woman said I couldn't give him everything a girl could. I was awkward most times, ugh I had a lot of unlikeable traits if I'm being honest so why would he choose me?

Really I had absolutely no idea what to do about it, this was my first relationship or anything close to it. If we weren't going to Doctor Vick I'll talk to Thomas about it or mom but I couldn't. I'll be trapped in a car with Carnell for I don't know how long feeling awkward. I didn't know what to do or say exactly but it'll be nice to spend time with him I guess. We haven't done that in so long. 

I honestly hope Kaiden would've awoken so he could've saved me from the embarrassment today holds. Obviously that wasn't the case for me.

Kissing Kaiden forehead I made my way out my room and towards Carnell office where he most likely was at doing business. I didn't remember Kai coming in here, but ever since Rose's confession at dinner he's been coming into my room to sleep. So I wasn't surprised in the least but what did surprise me though was Carnell still being there when we awoke. I expected him to leave once I fell asleep but obviously that wasn't the case at all.

And what was that kiss about!? He hasn't done it before, well he used to but not anymore! Everything about him confused me. What did any of this mean?!

Every single thing was making me confused which was causing me to become frustrated. Sighing at myself and everything else I continued my walk.

As I turned the corner I could hear people arguing—well a woman yelling at someone but they clearly ignored her. Which I decided to do by knocking, I waited for the familiar voice that sent the wasps in my stomach haywire. And once I heard the smooth silky voice telling me to come in—I walked in, only not to see anyone. I expected him to be behind his desk but he wasn't, I looked around for a few more until a scream made me jump. My attention was drawn towards Thomas, Mikey and Carnell on the floor. Even in the predicament they were in, Carnell smiled at me making my breath get lost in my throat.

All my thoughts went in the complete opposite direction. 

Trying to shake the thoughts out my head while my cheeks tinted I actually took the time to look at them. Carnell had the both of them in a hold, Thomas was in a heel lock while Mikey was in a headlock with his other arm. I had no idea how he managed to do both of those things at once but it was in a way fascinating. My eyes wandered to his bulging muscles straining against his shirt and I took a gulp looking away only to look back.

What was going on with me? I was feeling things I've never felt before and all I was doing was looking at him.

Thomas broke the hold Carnell's appearance had on me but not how I wanted, "See how your boyfriend treats us Gio?"

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