Chapter 24.

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Chapter 24
Giovanni POV

It was official. At least what the doctor Vick said was official, I was pregnant. Eleven weeks pregnant to be exact, and I was actually pretty excited and a little in disbelief... The disbelief had dimmed once Vick started talking, particularly after hearing the heartbeat but it never left. I never thought I'd be in position to have kids. Especially not my own unless a surrogate were to help, yet even with that possibility I wanted to adopt. After making it somewhere in this world I wanted to take kids out of the system. I wanted to help and give them something my father never gave me.

Happiness... a family, a loving place to call home basically.

The urge to do just that rose after what the Johnsons have done for me. They've given me a life I never dreamed of having in a billion years and I was thankful for that. Even more thankful because I wouldn't have gotten this chance. The opportunity to bear my own kid.

I would've never guessed this, even though I had every symptom in the book. I still wouldn't have guessed it. I'm not sure anyone would've guessed it.

Vick explained pretty much everything to Carnell and I not too long ago but I was only half listening. Certain parts he said managed to stick with me while I missed chucks of information from being shocked.

Who could blame me though?

My shock passed pretty quickly, especially after Vick let us process everything he'd said and hear the heartbeat again. I guess to actually appreciate what he was showing us which I wholeheartedly did. Once the shockness wore off, I almost wanted to cry from the emotions that hit me so suddenly.

I had a mini human growing inside me and I wanted the best for them already. This was really my baby. A little part of me while also being a part of Carnell.

I couldn't have been happier.

Yet Speaking of Carnell I don't really know how he feels about anything. After we left Vicks we were both eerily quiet, I don't think either one of us knew what to say. Which was shocking on Carnell's part. He always knew what to say. This time it seemed he didn't and I didn't blame him. Even when we got to the house, I was figuring out all the emotions running through me. Most of them were happy emotions, they still are. So far I'm just grateful to have been given the opportunity to give life to someone.

We still haven't discussed anything since I barely see him, yet he seems to always find a way to check in on me. Every morning, evening and night basically whenever we cross paths. Nothing else had to be said he just asks how I'm doing, if I need anything. That sort of stuff. It isn't like I could lie to him because he always seems to know when I'm trying to lie.

It's to the point that I'm sure he's told his men? Guards? I've yet to figure out what to call them but I'm sure he's told The people that follow me around—to do the same. They always want to help even with the little task I do or ask if I need anything as well. Which was weird to me. I wasn't used to it in the slightest and I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

I understood everything Vick said, and a part of me was beyond scared but I couldn't do anything about that. This was my baby regardless of what happened, I've been scared my entire life so I wanted nothing more for them to have a happy carefree life. To not have to worry about the things I worried about. Either I was there or not. So I couldn't be scared right now, at least I didn't want to be.

I looked up at the sky. It was a beautiful day today and I sat just staring at the baby blue picture perfect sky. I was enjoying the scenery, and in a way it was helping me think. Plus I believe my skin appreciated the sun. It hasn't been getting a lot.

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