Chapter 26.

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Chapter 26.
Giovanni POV
The Date: Part 1

"Are you sure he said it was today?"

It seemed I kept asking the same question to Thomas and Tony, I'm sure I might've been annoying them. I was too shocked to say or ask anything else, Carnell had said he wanted to take me on a date. I didn't think he was for real though, I mean I've been thinking about it. A lot—don't get me wrong but now that it was here I was freaking out!

I had no idea what to wear, or where we were going. I was going to embarrass myself a hundred times before the night was over. This was my first date, what did I do? I wouldn't know what to talk about and it didn't help that I had no idea where we were going. Or how I needed to act, was it a certain way to act for a date? I've seen movies but that wasn't nearly as helpful as I thought it'll be. Did it really matter where we were going?

"For the last time Giovanni, Yes he said today." Thomas said, gesturing for Tony to leave my room. I may have pulled both of them in here and demanded they tell me exactly what Carnell said. Okay I wouldn't say 'demanded them' I asked very nicely at least a dozen times. Apparently Carnell called Tony who was to tell Thomas about it but Thomas being who he was called back to be sure. I was actually glad Carnell didn't call me because it would've made it much more embarrassing which is probably why he didn't. I was most definitely being childish but I couldn't help that I got embarrassed or flabbergasted about everything especially everything including Carnell. I've tried to fix it but it obviously haven't helped. "Do you want me to put makeup on those?"

I blushed as I realized what he was talking about, and the memories that flooded my head from a week ago didn't help my cheeks. Carnell had messed up his office completely—but I'm sure he had his reasons, I don't think he was having a good day. And I definitely didn't know that would happen once I went in there! At first I thought he'd kick me out but he didn't, quite the opposite.

Mainly everyone that saw them just smirked and left me a blushing mess—especially his workers or bodyguards? I still had no clue what to call them.

I don't know how to explain it but I actually liked them in a way—especially seeing them on my skin and knowing they were there and who put them there. Maybe I was going crazy, I'm sure I was because I didn't think it was normal to like bruises. Yet I think Carnell likes them too and I didn't really care about anything else.

I shook my head at Thomas and he sighed while going to my closet. I expected a witty comment yet he hasn't been himself lately, not since he came into my room looking upset only to burst out crying. I've never seen Thomas cry, before I'd never seen him other than happy. Right now he seemed to be just a shell of himself. Of course it was alright to not be okay sometimes but he seemed here yet not really. It was worrying me. He still had yet to tell me why, maybe I should start pushing the subject?

"Thomas?" I asked and he hmm me from the closest, on second thought maybe he didn't want me to know or else he would've told me by now. I just really wanted to help. Shaking my head, I looked down at my hands. I also didn't want to invade his personal space though. And if I brought it up that's what it'll feel like I was doing. "Never mind what are you looking for?"

He didn't answer for a minute and I stood there rocking on the back of my feet. "Clothes." He said something in Italian but I couldn't make it out. It wasn't as if I'd be able to understand it if I did.

"Can I wear swe—."

I was cut off by Thomas who came out the closest looking as if I had just insulted him. "No you can not wear sweats." He said the word as if it burned his tongue and I didn't get what was so wrong with them. I nodded as he started speaking in Italian again, I wished I knew exactly what he was saying. It was probably something about me and sweats, but I wondered if I knew, would it help me figure out what was wrong with him.

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