Chapter 20.

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Chapter 20
Whose baby?
Giovanni POV

"...Then Mickey took the toy from the boy, I didn't need help though." Kai said while trying to look tough but it only made him look adorable. He was explaining what happened at the park he went to with Mikey earlier. My eyes glanced at Carnell who stood leaning against the wall, I missed him.

I haven't really seen him around the house much every time I'll come into a room he'll leave out. To be in this room—my room—with him was making me nervous. It always made me nervous when I was with him, but this time was different. It was awkward in a way, he's been in here since Kaiden woke me up and hasn't said a word. Once I woke up and saw him I was so surprised. I instantly felt everything mom made go away before I went to sleep—hitting me full force in the face. I wanted to say something to him but I didn't know what to say.

Kaiden helped though, even if it was awkward for me having Kaiden here helped a lot. He took my mind off the crazy going around here. Carnell looked up from his phone and our eyes locked with each other, my breath caught in my throat and I could feel my cheeks heating.

I turned my attention back to kai who was staring at me in confusion, "You're blushing papa!"

That made it all the worse and I wanted the bed to swallow me up whole and never return me back until I was out of this situation. "I'm not."

"You are! I see it." I shook my head hiding my cheeks under the palms of my hands. Kaiden giggles sounded around the room, "I'll be back okay papa?."

With my hands still on my cheeks I frowned, "where're you going?"


My frown deepened, "It's one in here."

He just giggled again and ran towards carnell, who leaned down to hear what he had to say. Carnell eyebrows furrowed also—making me wonder what Kaiden was up too. That was before he chuckled and we both watched as the little boy ran out the room.

What was he up too?

I was getting hot, I had no idea what to say to Carnell. We were in silence for a while now and I still had no idea what to say to him. I didn't look at him in fear he was looking at me—actually I knew he was staring at me. I could feel his eyes burning my skin as he watched on like I was either crazy and going to burst or the prey he was stalking. Since the latter was more believable I stayed where I was not moving an inch—he probably didn't even want to talk to me. Especially after what happened between us so I didn't talk, which I couldn't even if I wanted too.

Movement in the room drew my attention towards the sound, my eyes widened when I realized it was Carnell. And he was moving towards me.

I felt my heart race more and more as I watched him walk further and further from where he once was. "You should know by now that I wouldn't hurt ya." He said as he walked closer around the bed to where I am, at least what he said was true. I knew he wouldn't hurt me, I've known for some time now but that wasn't the reason I started shaking. Honestly the reason wasn't his fault at all, I just didn't trust myself being close to Carnell.

Especially when all I wanted to do was curl up in his arms and let him make everything better. Let him know how I actually felt about us that I wanted to be by his side. But I stayed where I was not wanting to provoke the beast. Not Carnell but the one inside of me.

I nearly jumped when I felt the bed dip, Carnell sat facing me but we had little space in front of us. I looked away from him—remembering what mother told me earlier. 'Do what's right for you.' Yet I didn't know what that was, at least I wasn't ready to accept what it was. Did I let go of the person I loved? Or turned an blind eye to what said person does in his free time.

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