Chapter 13.

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Ruined Day
Giovanni POV

I walked in the house, tears flowing down my face, I was so confused. I've never seen Carnell act like that before and it scared me, the look on his face when he saw me with Noah. I used to see the same look on my father's face only this time it wasn't directed towards me, it was for Noah. I didn't understand why he didn't like Noah so much, he was so nice to me even when others weren't. Shouldn't Carnell like someone like that?

It was just a hug but Carnell was literally on the verge of beating Noah up. I didn't even know Noah would hug me, he's never even done it before.

I wasn't crying because he almost beat Noah up or anything like that. I knew he didn't like Noah. Noah hasn't said he doesn't like Carnell but he's always trying to get me to stay away from him. Plus he's always saying bad things even when we're not talking about Carnell he brings him up. It's weird to say the least. I try not to listen to him. When he does say things regarding Carnell I stop talking to him. I've been a part of too many rumors before and I didn't like believing things I've heard if it's not from the source or without evidence.

I wouldn't say everything Noah has said isn't true, or that it is but I just couldn't judge Nell like that. He's been nothing but nice, overly nice for someone who doesn't seem that way. He actually seems reserved, timid to open up and I'm glad he's giving me an opportunity. Even if I've maybe just messed it up without trying.

The doorbell rang and I paused, not knowing what to do. I stared at it like it was an foreign object. Maybe whoever knocked made a mistake and would see that this wasn't the house they were looking for.  The only people that've been here were the ones that live here and we all had keys so I don't know who that could be. The bell ringing again made me groan, ok so I'll have to answer it. I wasn't prepared for human interaction. I just wanted to think about Carnell and lay in my bed.

I stepped towards the door as if it'll attack me, before taking a deep breath when I got there. Alright I'll open the door and not stutter. Easy. Just see what they want then they'll leave. You got this.

Okay open the door now.

I grabbed the handle before remembering that I was crying so I quickly wiped my face off before swinging the door open.

Two officers stood before me and I just stared at them, "Uhm h-hi." So much for my pep talk.

"Hello, I'm officer Dickson and this is my partner Officer Franklin." I nodded not knowing what else to do, "You're Giovanni Smith?" My last name hasn't been changed yet but I was glad they've used it even if I was kind of scared. What did they want? "We'll like to ask you a few questions, would you come with us down to the precinct?"

I just stared at them before everything registered in my brain, "W-Why? About what?"

This time it was Franklin who spoke and it only confused me more, "Regarding your knowledge of Carnell Wright and your parents."

What about them? My parents?

I was going to answer but a voice with an Italian accent came from behind us causing the officers to grab their weapons. "He doesn't have to and you need a parent present so how about you two leave."

I stared at Thomas who just winked at me, "Who're you?"

Thomas ignored them and placed his hands on his hips snickering. "Are you arresting him?...I didn't think so because that'll require a warrant which neither of you have. So if you're done wasting my time with him now I'll be very happy."

The officers looked at each other before glaring at me, I felt creepy chills go down my spine before they walked off. I hoped to never see them again, I hated the police. They were all so nosy even when you've not done anything. They tried to make something out of nothing—one time I saw them stop someone just walking down the street not doing anything. 

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